4th of December - JLPT Test.

Sixty four.
Enam puluh empat.
I guess I should be happy. Somehow I'm neutral. I should get better.


Hmm, after a year of learning Japanese, I am finally taking the JLPT test to test my skills. It's not like I'm really good or anything. >__> I'm taking the lowest of all, N5.

From the start, I really wanted to take this test. You know, I have this dream of going to Japan and it doesn't hurt to new language. If I didn't take this test, I wouldn't study. Then if I didn't study, my language skills will go all waste. Just watching anime wouldn't help, LOL.

Anyways, taking a test is fine. Yes yes, it's totally fine. Yes, taking a test at a gigantic hall filled with hundreds of strangers and having examiners staring at you is totally fine. Plus, taking this test all on your own is wonderfully fine, NOT.

I didn't expect my brother not to take the test with me and I'm terrified. My classmates also had no interest taking this test, despite one of them is really good. But I do have a friend taking the same test with me, it's just that she's in Singapore.

However, the location of the test is not new to me. It's Confucian School where I took the test. I been there before for performing at a dinner related to politics. Let's not talk about it then.

Anyways, instead of dining tables the assembly hall was replace by desk enough for only one person. When it was 2.00p.m., people of all ages started to fill in the hall. We sat according to our registration number and guess what, I'm sitting at the second front, next to a pillar. I do love my seat.

The whole test is divided into three papers. The first would be vocabulary, second is grammar and lastly listening. I afraid of grammar and listening. There were three big clocks hanging at the wall and all of us were just waiting for the time to come, when the examiners would distribute the papers.

I don't really want to talk what I was tested, LOL. I don't want to say it's okay, in case I fail in the end. Besides, not every reader of my blog knows Japanese. Right? *coughahemkoff*

Anyways, I was glad when the listening wasn't really fast. Unlike what I heard from the tapes at my centre, the speed was okay. I guess my centre wanted to train us to listen to fast ones so we'll able to catch during the test.

The whole thing was three hours but I think time passed quite fast. I wanted to get out as soon as possible. If I had taken the mock test during November, I had to stay to collect something. Mehh, I didn't really care. I was walking with a fast pace towards the exit, turning on my phone. Then, my mother called and I got on to my mom's car.

Guess what, it rained heavily shortly after we left and it was flooded everywhere. My mother panicked when we accidentally landed one of the tyre into a hole. Luckily, we got home safely. Phew, I'm glad everything is over.


Bleh, I didn't pass the qualifying round of the Guitar event. SW and Wolf did and hell yeah, I'm proud of them! Go go VSP!

Audition has updated a new patch and it's a Christmas patch! Sadly, the 20% sales everyone was looking forward to was reduced to 10% and only on Christmas items. Audition is unfair. >_>

Along with the sales, we had a new items, new songs(Christmas songs too!), new guitar songs and a brand new mode, Club Dance 3. I wonder why they need so many club dance modes. And they just get more and more complicated. Though I can't deny, it's actually quite interesting, haha.

The whole Audition Town is much more prettier compared
to just snowing lobby we had few years back!

Cute screenshots are taken if you win at Club Dance 3!
He's just a fam member btw. ;etc

Also, Audition kept crashing and all the clubbers certainly aren't happy. I wasn't happy that I couldn't water my plants, RAWR. The whole crashing process went for days and around Guitar arena time, which really pissed me off. Just today, the free server crashed again.

Whew, we're also welcoming back a old member. (F)
Ohh, there are new snowflake platforms and new gigantic bat man guitar, LOL.



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