18th of December - Comic Fiesta 2011 Day 2.

Wait, what about Day 1? I can't blog about it because I only went for Day 2. :D


Packed, the LRT was. I was standing beside the door while my brother held on the handle bar. We're on our way to KLCC, where the even Comic Fiesta is held. To be more exact, KLCC Convention Centre Hall 5.

Ugh, I'm considered unlucky. Because for the past three years when I couldn't go, CF was held at Sunway, which is much more nearer to where I'm living. But I promised myself I won't miss this event. Even if I had to miss my cousin's wedding's dinner.

Thanks to dear Hana, we didn't have to queue up to get our tickets. But still we had to join a long line just to get into Hall 4, where all the amazing cosplayers are. Also, if we didn't spotted three cosplayers at Suria KLCC, I think we'll be having a hard time finding where the hell is Hall 5.

The moment I stepped into Hall 4, I was like awestrucked. Cosplayers here and there, left and right. I felt so excited yet nervous. I can't believe I was seeing so many cosplayers. The last time I saw cosplayers was like years ago. Other times they were in pictures posted at Facebook or DeviantArt. I loved them all, LOL.

Anyways, me and my brother walked among the sea of people and cosplayers. I was trying to spot any characters I recognized. I was really shy and coward I guess, my brother kept asking if I really wanted to take pictures with them.

This one of the two pictures that has me and a cosplayer, LOL! Laxus from FT KYAH !

My friend cosplaying! She's so awesome. :3

Well, I guess I did saw some characters from my favourite manga, Fairy Tail. I saw Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Lucy, Juvia and even Mystogan. That's not bad already! I'm surprised I didn't many Bleach characters. The winner is Vocaloid. :x Pweetay dresses everywhere!

After taking pictures of the cosplayers, I was waiting for another friend of mine. Sadly, she was clueless where I was and I had a hard time explaining it. In the end, I walked a VERY DAMN OHMAIGAWD USELESSLY long way to where she was. Not that I'm blaming her, I'm just too stupid to use a shortcut and spent time lost in the mall. I'm just glad we made it, LOL.

After showing her around, we went into Hall 5 and looked at the booths. I wasn't really interested in the booths, I wanted to see cosplayers only. Still, I admire the people who are talented and able to sell their products. I wish I could draw on the spot when everyone is looking!

Gosh, you don't know how much my heels hurt after standing for hours and walking. We spent some time seeing the cosplay finals and yeah, some contestants were amazing. I have no idea who won, though. After that we walked at the garden nearby and took more pictures of cosplayers.

Black Rock Shooter. I didn't know there was a guy, too.

Domo-kun! Ichigo looks so cool. *faints*

Everyday I'm shufflin'! LMFAO.

I love both of them the most! :]

I'm not really sure if this is Just Be Friends.

After taking pictures and walking around, I decided to head back home. Problem was, I had to wait until 7 before my older brother could fetch us home. It was 4.30 then and I was like, what I'm going to do? So we decided to have our lunch.

Yes, it was already 5 something when we had our lunch at KFC. We didn't have lunch earlier because I insisted of waiting for my friend. We walked(AGAIN) for a long time, getting confused with the directions and my poor brother had to queue up to order our food. Our heels hurt like, DAMN! I bet his hurts more than mine. The moment I stuffed the burger into my mouth I feel so damn relieved.

Then, I thought of calling my mother to fetch us home. I didn't want to wait at the shopping centre with nothing to do, nor I want to walk back to Hall 5. Luckily, my mom was already back from Malacca and soon we're on our way back to the KLCC LRT station. We bought tickets and yay, we managed to snatch some seats. Our poor feet! *cries*

My brother bought a Poring hat. :3 Camwhored at the LRT like crazy, LOL.

Waiting at a bus stop for my mom.

Finally we reached home! We didn't have our dinner because we had a late lunch. Grabbed some ice-cream just now. Oh look, it's almost 1 in the morning already. Ugh.

After three years of waiting, I have finally been to CF. I guess I'll say that honestly, I wasn't really feeling any fun there. I'm happy to see cosplayers everywhere but I didn't took part of any event. Plus, I didn't get any goodies because I didn't camped in front of the stage. Oh well, at least I saw Keith from Gempak Starz, should have bought his books for him to sign.

Next year? I'm not sure.

I thank to all of the cosplayers who were all so kind to allow me to take pictures!


I had finally let go. I'm finally free. Finally, I do not feel miserable and sad. I never thought it will be me to spread my wings and fly. I'm sorry I'm leaving you behind, but you took too much of your time.

Though I'm really surprised by your actions, I'm glad because they're all because of me. It had me worried for a while, but I am happy that you told me the truth, rather than sulking when I don't know even know why. No more I will be afraid. Really, thank you for being there with me. ;flow


Chai said…
Make your dreams come true
Lyle Gogh said…
hey there,

saw your post about CF 2011, thanks for the write up

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