Guitar Fever.

Ever since Guitar mode was introduced to AuditionSEA, I can say it successfully attracted many players' attention. It is considered quite popular, but still the amount of guitarist isn't really many though. An arena was created for the Guitar lovers and at first I'm not really happy about it because BU still doesn't have its' own arena.

But anyways, I love guitar and Audition has entertained the guitar players by organizing some events and competitions for us. I took part almost all of them, along with my friends too.

Yesterday, Audition organized an in-game event for us. Half and hour ahead of the scheduled time, I was already spamming into the channel the event took place. I think organizing the event at the first channel is unwise. Because other people not involved will just be in the way. =/

The event was Guitar BP against the GMs. Three players will versus three GMs and they must beat the scores of the GMs in order to win prizes. The problem is, there are so many players in the channel. There are so many people curious what is going on. People want to get into the room to participate, to see. And there are only three spots. 3.

It seemed impossible for me and my friends to enter. Because after the GM opens the room, the room is instantly filled with players. We don't know if we could even get to observe, let alone play with the GMs. Haha, this reminds me of when I was playing O2Jam, when the GM plays with the players and only seven people were allowed.

I think it was the 3rd around when one of my friends made into the room. We were shocked yet amazed how he managed to squeeze in. He told us a way to spam into the room and soon, he was playing with the GMs.

The event was extended but that doesn't really mean anything to me. I had class I had to attend and I was hoping I could squeeze into a room before I leave. I really want to win prizes. I want to. And during the 4th round, SW got in. I couldn't and it was already 3.30PM, the time I had to get ready for my Ballet class. I said if I couldn't get in for the last time, I would give up this event.

Then it was the 5th round, I spammed with all my might and hoping really hard that I could get in. And I did. I landed on one of the three spots available to versus the GMs. I was super delighted. All my guitarist in my FAM managed to attend this event, I was so happy. My friends were too, haha. Thanks for the spamming tip, my friend.

See how packed is it? GMs !

I was reaaaaally nervous. My hands were sweating and my heart was beating fast. We're supposed to beat the GMs' score and it's all about teamwork. Fortunately, two GMs weren't good Guitar players. GMWasabi is a really pro guitar player and he was the one who set the challenges in another Guitar event. Seeing him makes me scared.

During the game, I was still nervous and I guess I couldn't focus. My combo keep breaking and my score wasn't really high. I was really surprised that GMWasabi didn't really did well, either. I couldn have won him if I didn't break my combo. Thankfully, my room had a player who was good and he tanked us all. Right after that, I was really in a good mood.

3rd of December was the day the Fiery Mania Qualifying round took place. Again, me and my friends registered for the event. We were given a song we had to practice and hell yeah, we trained a lot. We couldn't get the scores the pros managed to get but yeah, we're okay.

The GMs started calling names of the registered players and soon we gathered at the Guitar Master channel. Nice, there are only Guitar players. SW was in the first room, I was in the third room and Wolf was in the fifth room. However, it doesn't go in order.

Finally it was my turn and I was first to enter the room. Then we waited for the other players and soon the game started.

I have tough competitors in my room ._.

Well, my combo broke. I couldn't get the score I normally could and I'm gravely disappointed. Ahh, I still feel a little down. Both of my friends managed to get good scores, now I'm the only one unsure if I'm gonna make it to the next round. Hopefully, I do.

Well, after Wolf finished his round we went offline. Returned later to attend Arena and boy, it was a horrible day for me. My combo kept breaking and the songs chosen today were terrible. FLY HIGH FLY HIGH FLY HIGH.

Well, at least I saw you.

Random stuff. :x


Having a test tomorrow. Damn nervous. Wish me luck.

I really love Christina Grimmie's cover of It Will Rain by Bruno Mars. Nice lyrics.
I think sad lyrics are more meaningful, haha.


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