Regrets, Mistakes, Memories.

Once again, it is the time, to say goodbye.
I think I'm quite ready to say farewell to this year, because it wasn't really a good one for me. However, I'm reluctant to say hi to the new year.

Because I'm quite sure it's gonna be worse.

2011 started miserable for me. I was separated from my friends, thrown into a class of people I don't really know. Even now, I only had a friend to rely on. I was so lonely, but enough of that.

Studying became harder. I was struggling the whole year as we learn new subjects. In fact the only thing I remember through out the year was me struggling. I copied a lot of homework too. Not that I'm proud.

Even if we're separated, true friends will still be friends. I'm glad I'm still able to spend time with my friends and I love them more and more everyday.

Ahh, I also remember I was busy. Every week I had to attend my Ballet lessons and rush to tuition. My hair will be wet after taking a shower and it doesn't help when the air conditioner was blowing right behind me. My toes will hurt after dancing and my friends would stare at the bandages at my toes.

Maybe it's that I got used to it, or maybe I had already accepted it. Things were better in the middle of the year. I don't know, I can't remember. But I think I was happy then. Maybe. I'm not sure. Still, things are complicated.

I was really emotional this year. I cry easily. Hearing songs would tear me up.

The climax of this year was probably from September till the end of my finals. I felt very tensed everyday. I was nervous everyday. Thinking about my exams, my Ballet examination, and other stuffs. I thought I wouldn't made it through. But I did.

When the holiday started, I felt free. I was finally happy. Real happy. I mean, who wouldn't? But it felt great, every burden came off my shoulders and I felt weightless.

Regrets? I didn't work hard enough. I was all about talking. There was no action. And of course my doings bought consequences. I lost a bet(LOL), I couldn't squeeze into the first class with my friends. And once again, I'm miserable.

Mistakes? I had made wrong choices. I didn't listen to my heart. I went against the flow, and I ended up hurt. As I jumped past the fence, who would know there was a hole beside it.

Memories? I treasure all my memories with my buddies. I love you all.

Things I learn during the year 2011 :

`Forever doesn't exist.
`Promises are meant to be broken.
`Love is always complicated.(But then again, it's the people who are complicated.)
`Friendships are really the best.

May 2012 be a better year. Happy New Year.


My dear Bunneh, I'm glad I met you. ;flow
I wish you the best more then anyone else.


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