
Showing posts from February, 2013


Sharon is my aunt's niece (I think). She is six years old this year, twelve years younger than me. She's a girl. Well, I went back to my hometown, Malacca, AGAIN because my mother had some errands to do. She also joined her sisters to attend a dinner there, so I got dragged to go there too. Well, it isn't that bad, I got to catch a movie with my cousins. Anyway, during my trips to Malacca I can meet Sharon often. My aunt babysits her so she's normally always in the house. I couldn't meet her during Chinese New Year but I did meet her yesterday. I forgot when was the first time I saw her, but she has grown up a lot. During this trip, I arrived at my aunt's house before her. When she got into the house, she started giggling for no reason. Everyone was also confused why she was giggling or laughing so much. I can't say I love kids, but I get along with Sharon just fine. She's the only kid I have to deal with anyway. At least she knows how to greet m

Converse, Flash flood.

Well, this title sucks. --- Finally. The pair of red Converse sneakers shown above is mine. You don't know how happy I am to own one. Even holding it in my hands makes me happy. I think I'll fly when I wear it. Yeah, I haven't wore it. Well, I could have bought it ages ago but I always hesitated when I saw the price. It is pricey for a pair of ordinary looking sneakers but I guess it's the brand, like my father always say. I bought a fake one in China but it was always my dream to have a pair of original ones. So what drove me to finally buy one? It all began when I went back to Malacca after just returning from there for a few days. Well, my mother heard our relatives are going to have a barbecue party while preparing for the ritual Bai Ti Gong (拜天公). It's a Hokkien tradition to offer thanks to the Jade Emperor. I remembered I only being part in this ritual when I was really young, but I fell asleep before midnight, which is when they start the

Day Happy Year Valentine's Chinese New.

The title is just a mixed up combination of Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Chinese New Year. Don't think too much. --- Hmm, someone asked me to update my blog. Honestly, I have nothing to write, so I'll just post how I spent my Chinese New Year. Well, I thought this year's CNY was later than usual. Normally, it's around the end of January but it's on February this year. And Valentine's Day was actually on the fifth day of CNY too. So it's always the same for me every year. On CNY's eve and the first day of CNY, I go back to my father's side of the family for reunion dinner and other stuffs like visiting my grandmother and getting red packets from relatives. (I haven't count how much I got, eheheh.) Since my mother's side of the family is Malacca, which is also where I was born, we normally return there on the second day of CNY. I'd always prefered to be at Malacca, because it's more lively there. Maybe it's because

Year of the Hebi.

HEY WAZZZAAAPPPPP. Hebi is the romanji of the word snake in Japanese. The kanji is the same as the Chinese  character. I remembered the last Chinese New Year was .. a little depressing. Well, the CNY mood haven't gotten really lively as I grow up. Was it because I grew up already? Anyway, according to the Chinese calendar, it's the year of the snake (HAI SERUUUUU). Somehow I have no memory of celebrating the snake year, because I was only six years old then. Hmm, so I guess this will be the first time I'll be celebrating one. Err, it isn't New Year yet but I'm already posting this. I think every new year will be the same and if I post the same thing every year it will be .. useless. Yes, I don't even take pictures of CNY anymore because it's the same every year. Reunion dinner, lion dance, red packets. It's the same. *changes topic* Well, I guess everyone knows the story of the twelve zodiacs racing against each other to meet the Jade E

Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro

I have realize that girls, especially girls, like to post every thing about their daily life in social medias like Facebook and Twitter. I have a few friends who pretty much update every incident in their lives, sometimes flooding my timeline to the point where I get annoyed. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to share your experiences but must you really share post every single detail? I guess you would want your friends to know what you're doing and where you are but I don't think everyone is excited as you. Examples : 'Check out my new shoes!' *takes picture* 'I'm now watching the new movie!' *takes selca with movie poster* 'I'm having steak for lunch!' *takes picture of food* 'I'm feeding my dog!' *asks someone to take a picture of you* 'This is my boyfriend!' *takes picture together x100000000000* 'Shopping at Sunway!' *takes picture of Lion Head* 'Walking at Mid Valley!' *takes picture of