
Sharon is my aunt's niece (I think). She is six years old this year, twelve years younger than me. She's a girl.

Well, I went back to my hometown, Malacca, AGAIN because my mother had some errands to do. She also joined her sisters to attend a dinner there, so I got dragged to go there too. Well, it isn't that bad, I got to catch a movie with my cousins.

Anyway, during my trips to Malacca I can meet Sharon often. My aunt babysits her so she's normally always in the house. I couldn't meet her during Chinese New Year but I did meet her yesterday. I forgot when was the first time I saw her, but she has grown up a lot.

During this trip, I arrived at my aunt's house before her. When she got into the house, she started giggling for no reason. Everyone was also confused why she was giggling or laughing so much.

I can't say I love kids, but I get along with Sharon just fine. She's the only kid I have to deal with anyway. At least she knows how to greet me, but often she needs me to ask her for it. Ahh, she's sweet I guess.

So the day continued with her constant giggling with nobody knowing the reason why. Later that day, I tweeted 'I can't understand kids, sigh.'.

I think the people close to me knows that I dislike kids. Everyone has gone through the stage of being a kid but I think I'll hate the kid version of me too. It's the same, all the kids are the same to me. I just don't like them and but I won't purposely avoid them.

They look cute on the outside, I guess.

First of all, whether you like it or not, they will CRY. And it's not like they can explain what displeases them or maybe their vocabulary isn't wide enough to do so. And then people will do anything to stop the child from crying. And you can't slap them for that, 'cause that will be child abuse.

Kids, are of course childish. And there's no way to deal that except for to wait for time to pass and hopefully they'll mature and realize that the world is cruel. Sometimes, I see stubborn kids in public (begging for a toy, unwillingly to move from one spot for no reason (See?), crying shamelessly) and I really, really, really pity the parents.

I already told my mom that I have no desire to have children in the future. Thinking about raising one till they're independent just scares the shit out of me. And if you already had it all planned out, there are kids that go rebel (especially during teenage hood) and make life so much more complicated. Responsibility as a parent, isn't something that you can just give up because it's tiring.

I don't know about other countries, but in Malaysia the cases of missing children are occurring a lot lately. Well, you can't blame the kids for being abducted because they just can't fight off the kidnappers. Imagine having your child missing after just having your eyes off for a second, and he might be gone forever. If you're lucky, he comes back alive or his body is found. In some cases, the child and the abdcuter was never found.

So I was playing with Sharon with a pillow and she just laughing from the start till the end until I got annoyed. I poked her at the waist and shoo-ed her away (I'm so mean, LOL). The worst is you can't simply get mad at them, because they have no single idea what they're doing.

Hopefully one day when they grew up, they'll realize how stupid childish they were. Well, I did.


DECO*27's Love Calendar.

DECO*27 is basically just like supercell, except supercell is more well known. Like supercell, DECO*27 doesn't have a permanent singer so they use the popular singing synthesizer application in Japan, Hatsune Miku for their songs. Other human artist include Marina, Tobi and .. I can only remember this two >_>

I like Tobi the most.


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