Converse, Flash flood.

Well, this title sucks.



The pair of red Converse sneakers shown above is mine. You don't know how happy I am to own one. Even holding it in my hands makes me happy. I think I'll fly when I wear it. Yeah, I haven't wore it.

Well, I could have bought it ages ago but I always hesitated when I saw the price. It is pricey for a pair of ordinary looking sneakers but I guess it's the brand, like my father always say. I bought a fake one in China but it was always my dream to have a pair of original ones.

So what drove me to finally buy one?

It all began when I went back to Malacca after just returning from there for a few days. Well, my mother heard our relatives are going to have a barbecue party while preparing for the ritual Bai Ti Gong (拜天公). It's a Hokkien tradition to offer thanks to the Jade Emperor.

I remembered I only being part in this ritual when I was really young, but I fell asleep before midnight, which is when they start the ritual, at the night of the 8th day of CNY till midnight. Since then I wasn't able to Bai Ti Gong because there's always school on the next day.

Since I already graduated from school, I decided to accompany my mother to go back to Malacca because my two brothers have to attend college and university. We have to fetch my father to the airport for his flight to Bangkok and the journey to the airport is already halfway to Malacca.

So we were already having the barbecue party going on and the prawns were delicious, mmhmm. It was fun to be with my cousins, though many have left after the first few days of CNY. I laughed a lot, hmm. Oh, I finally saw fireworks.

We were casually talking until my cousin mentioned that her friend worked at a Converse store. My first reaction was, 'Will you get a discount because you're her friend!?' Well, the reply was 'Yes. (10% discount to be exact)' so I was damn excited. But I'm supposed to return to Puchong the next day and her friend isn't interested to work there anymore. So I decided to buy the sneakers the next day before I leave.

Handsome cousins.

I had my cousins (Yes, the handsome ones above) to accompany me to Mahkota Parade. It was fun, I never had them fetch me to anywhere with them driving the car. During the whole journey, the air conditioner was only blowing hot air so it was like a sauna inside, LOLLLL. Fun, it was fun.

When we got to the store, my cousin's friend helped us to find the correct shoe size. Then she told us to wait ten minutes before coming back to the store. We went to Popular and looked at KPop albums. We probably spent more than ten minutes there. Oh, the moment I had the shoe box in my hands, hurhurhur.

I would like to thanks my cousin for mentioning her friend. And also thanks to my cousin's friend for giving us the 10% discount. And also thanks to my another cousin for fetching us there. And thanks to Converse for existing.

Sure enough, I was on my way back to Puchong with my mom. My mom was feeling sleepy so I suggested I take over but I'm glad my mom didn't allow me to. Well, that's because it was raining heavily and I'll most probably panic. Yes, I surely will.

It had been a long time since Puchong experienced such heavy rain fall and the thunders were scary. My house blacked out for a few times before the rain was a little bit calmer. When I log into Facebook, I received some shocking news. Puchong is now facing a flash flood.

For 13 years I had live in Puchong, never had I saw it in this horrible state. The waters are flooded to the point where cars can't even move. The worst affected area is in front of IOI Mall, near the LDP Highway. Owhmaigawd, if I returned any later from Malacca I might be caught up in the jam.


IOI Mall carpark.

Ground floor of AEON, IOI Mall.

Never in my life I'd imagine that a flash flood will occur at the area I live. And it's quite serious too. I MEAN COME ON LOOK AT IT LOL. Well, thanks to Facebook I'm informed about this before the newspaper.

For more than a decade being a Puchong resident, this had never happened before. I'm guessing the flood was up until this level because of the construction for the LRT station near the flooding area. Owhmaigawd, sho scareh. Well, the water subsided and this is the aftermath.

Hmm, guess there's first time for everything. Everyone please be careful wherever you go.


 supercell's lyrics are often sad. Well, the supercell songs that I enjoy doesn't contain cheerful lyrics or happy endings. In EGOIST's case, the lyrics are dark.

I like Ryo's work.


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