
Showing posts from May, 2013

Rotten Apple.

Right now I'm pissed off so please bear with me while I rant. It all began when my uncle told me that his daughter wanted to upgrade her phone and so her iPhone 4 wasn't going to be used anymore, and he asked me if I would like to buy it. I thought, why not? Since my Sony XPERIA sucked. I'm actually quite content with my XPERIA, it's just that you can't put the photos in albums and they just jumble all up in one stupid big folder and if you want to find a picture you'll have to search in a sea of unloading photos. And the Sony Ericsson phone was super outdated, if there's a better device I thought it might be great. So I agreed to my uncle and got the phone the next day. The moment the phone was in my hand, it has prepared to make my life worse. Of course I had to transfer my SIM card from my old phone to the new one, so I was really trying to figure out how the heck to open that super thin phone. I gave up and looked for my best friend, Google. Turn


I remember I had wrote another post about dreams too but it was three years ago. I went back to check what I wrote and realized that .. I'm really childish, I guess. A dream about T.O.P. Hmm, I don't get such nice dreams lately. Here have a T.O.P. If I get a boyfriend like him, I'll nosebleed myself to death everyday.  I find myself having not so pleasant dreams to no dreams lately. Actually, I don't remember having a lot of good dreams. Some were plain weird and there was once I woke up with tears in my eyes. Dreams are not real yet they can haunt you and affect you a while, no? My mom have quite a lot of weird dreams and it's amusing to hear what she has to say. Mean while my brother's dream are mostly absolutely illogical and frequent that most of the time I don't give a damn to what he has to say anymore. My father never dreams. Yeah, I had nightmares lately. One of the dreams I had just a few days ago was a sudden appearance of a ghos


I'm currently reading Full Metal Alchemist (FMA) and it's about two brothers who are alchemists, seeking for the Philosopher's Stone to restore their old bodies back. Of course, other people who has their own wishes wouldn't just let two boys take away the stone which holds great alchemy powers. One of things people wish to obtain from the stone is, immortality. The ability to live for eternity even when generations of people die around you. You escape death and live on forever, which is defying the law of nature. I certainly wouldn't want immortality, because that means leaving behind the people I know. I can make friends again and again but they'll just die again and again. I'll have to attend so many funerals that I'll cry my eyes out (depending on how close I am to them). Yes, immortality has a price to pay. Death is unavoidable, no matter who you are or what you are. Even if you're a rock you'll just decompose one day. Humans are thoug


Sad Inori ish sad. --- Well, I finally finished my one-week job as a receptionist at my dance studio. It was only one week so I didn't felt really long or anything. It was only one week, but I learned a lot of things about my studio. Honestly, I don't think I'm just only working as a receptionist. I'm doing more than that and I don't know what's my job in the end. Since I was working during the examination period (which is one week), I had to do things like checking the name list of the exam candidates, get ready tea and snacks for the examiner, make sure the kids' hair are neat, check the examiner's toilet and a lot of other stuffs. I was also ordered to tie the children's hair (I couldn't do it), sew a belt, boil hot water, look after noisy kids and other stuffs. Basically, I felt like I was in training to be a housewife. My mom taught it was good for me. Almost everyday I had to go to the studio at 8:30AM to get things r

Final Farewells.

Malaysia' 13th general election is finally over. I have been dying to see the flags disappear and I have enough of speeches and campaigns. And hopefully, the newspaper will quit posting about politics. Nasty subject. Many expected a change, but I think the only thing that has changed is the way the people view the winner and the government. Honestly, I expected our government of 55 years to win, because they have been doing so since our independence. The supporters of the opposition party is pissed off by the way the government played dirty tricks to win the elections, but I dare not say who is right and who is wrong. We just can't prove that they added boxes of votes during the blackout (Even if we have evidence, no one is going to help us.) My timeline is filled with supporters of the opposition so I don't know how the government's supporters think. The opposition still remain hopeful and plan to snatch victory in the next election. I am qualified to vote