Final Farewells.

Malaysia' 13th general election is finally over. I have been dying to see the flags disappear and I have enough of speeches and campaigns. And hopefully, the newspaper will quit posting about politics. Nasty subject.

Many expected a change, but I think the only thing that has changed is the way the people view the winner and the government. Honestly, I expected our government of 55 years to win, because they have been doing so since our independence.

The supporters of the opposition party is pissed off by the way the government played dirty tricks to win the elections, but I dare not say who is right and who is wrong. We just can't prove that they added boxes of votes during the blackout (Even if we have evidence, no one is going to help us.) My timeline is filled with supporters of the opposition so I don't know how the government's supporters think.

The opposition still remain hopeful and plan to snatch victory in the next election. I am qualified to vote during the next election but I'll say, if our government continues to play dirty, the opposition will never win.


I have been dancing Ballet in my studio for at least 13 years and no, I have no idea how it operates. All I do is enter a studio, attend the class, and return home after it ends. If you asked me where do they keep the toilet papers, I have no single idea.

So after I was hired to be a receptionist at my studio, I was hopeless. I don't know why I ended up as a receptionist. Originally, one of the teachers just asked me to play CDs during the exams of other students (they don't have a pianist for the new syllabus) so I was quite shocked when she told me to that I have to answer calls.

But I accepted the offer anyway, since I have nothing to do at home and I only have to look after the counter  during the examination period, which is about one week. I thought it will be a good experience too because I never worked before. I guess I'm fortunate to work at a place that I'm familiar and having a boss that I have been seeing for more than a decade.

I already worked for three days, and on the third day was also the day I have my examinations. I already seen the examiner on the first day but she still looks scary to me (Owhmaigawd, I still have to see her for six more days). I reached the studio early in the morning, hours before my supposed reporting time. Honestly, I don't remember what I did today.

Anyway, we had to do solos for our exam for Grade 8, the last of the performance grade. It's nerve wrecking to see the examiner not smiling while you're dancing alone. You can't read her face and what she's thinking. But I guess it's better than examiners who smile with you and give you a fail.

Well, I did make mistakes and I even wobbled at some point, but I think I'm okay. I'm not a big fan of Grade 8 so it doesn't make me sad that I'm done with the performance grade. I like Grade 6, but I still think major grades are more fun and challenging. Not like I score well in them ..

I'm saying goodbye to Grade 8 and I'm also bidding farewell to my teacher of 13 years. Unfortunately, as much as she wishes to teach us till we finish our major grade, her priorities comes first and I do respect her decision. It's hard to say things like I love her because we don't express ourselves very much but I do respect her, a lot, from the bottom of my heart. I'm proud to be her student.

We have been expecting her retirement so I wasn't really surprised and sad. More like, I don't have anything to say. Not that I don't care that she's leaving us. I mean, I don't know. It's complicated.

But we're having a farewell party soon and I hope I don't have to cry anymore.

Ahh, I'm saying like I'm never going to dance again but it's not like that. I still have two major grades to complete and it was hard to decide if I should go on after six months of in-activeness. But after listening to what my teacher has to say, I figured I should take Advanced 1. She continued after stopping for a year while studying and working, so why can't I?

I'm really hopeless.


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