
Sad Inori ish sad.


Well, I finally finished my one-week job as a receptionist at my dance studio. It was only one week so I didn't felt really long or anything. It was only one week, but I learned a lot of things about my studio. Honestly, I don't think I'm just only working as a receptionist. I'm doing more than that and I don't know what's my job in the end.

Since I was working during the examination period (which is one week), I had to do things like checking the name list of the exam candidates, get ready tea and snacks for the examiner, make sure the kids' hair are neat, check the examiner's toilet and a lot of other stuffs.

I was also ordered to tie the children's hair (I couldn't do it), sew a belt, boil hot water, look after noisy kids and other stuffs. Basically, I felt like I was in training to be a housewife. My mom taught it was good for me.

Almost everyday I had to go to the studio at 8:30AM to get things ready before the examiner arrives. She's a Malaysian unlike the ones we had before, they were all foreigners. Apparently, she doesn't take sweet things so almost everyday organic food were prepared for her.

I saw her everyday at the studio, even before it was my turn for my exam. Then, she'll wonder why a teenager is doing there and not attending school. For a few times I was asked why I was there and I had to explain for like, three days. Other than that, I just smiled at her.

Uhh, for most days things are quiet and I don't have to do much. But sometimes my teacher will ask me to run around to do some errands. Saturdays are the worst because there are a lot of class for small kids and they're uncontrollable. The parents are also free during the weekends so there are lots of phone calls.

I remembered when I first started working, it was a Saturday. I was unfamiliar with everything and I was helpless when I had to answer calls. I don't know when are the classes starting, or what classes are available, or who are the students. I had to pass the phone many times to another receptionist.

Yeah, I screwed up a lot when I was working. Like how I forgot to write down things, giving the wrong information, staring into space when I don't know how to answer a parent. I think the worst was spilling hot water in front of the professional dancers. In the end I suffered a burn at my thumb and humiliation.

One of the things I don't like about this job is that I have to deal with kids. I have no control over them and most of the time they ignore me. I couldn't care less, I don't want to waste my energy shouting at them. That's why I immediately rejected the offer one of the teachers gave me to teach Ballet lessons for kids. It's a definitely 'No'. If I wanted to teach, I want to teach, not look after them and babysit them to the toilet.

Another thing was the parents. I guess they could speak a little more clearer through the phone so I don't have to go 'HUH?' so many times. There was one mother who didn't believe anything I said (even though I was speaking the truth) because I looked inexperienced, I guess. In the end, a teacher repeated everything I said and the mother retreated silently. Damn.

I'm never going to have kids.

Anyway, my boss asked me to continue working but I have to think about it. One of the working days is Saturday and I really dread that day. I also have to wake up early every morning and it isn't fun.

But it's a great experience. I am grateful the first job I got was in a place that I'm familiar, and the people working with me are the people I already knew for years. I just don't like to deal with people and strangers ..

I would like to apologize for any inconvenient things I have caused and good luck to the exam candidates. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a nap.


We had a farewell party for our Ballet teacher, Ms Gan last Saturday. And like I hoped, we didn't shed a single tear. Because everyone was sitting at the table immersed in their own conversations.

For thirteen years I was under the guidance of my teacher, and she's the reason why I love dance till this day. I have already accepted the fact that she wasn't going to teach us anymore and already attending class of another teacher.

We had our dinner at Fullhouse and the food was okay. The main point is to spend time together with our teacher. Lots of old students came back for this event. If it was me, I don't think I have the guts to come back and see my teacher's face because I already gave up and quit, no matter what the reason is. Don't mean to offend anyone.

I'm beginning to become anti-social OH NOESSSS no I don't care.

Anyway, Ms Gan was a wonderful teacher and was already like our mother. I mean, I was taken care by her for thirteen years. I don't have many personal moments with her but I'm grateful because we're all equally loved by her. I'm proud that I was chosen by her to participate in a competition once, even though I couldn't even enter the finals. OTL

Thank you for everything, Ms Gan ♥ .


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