
I'm currently reading Full Metal Alchemist (FMA) and it's about two brothers who are alchemists, seeking for the Philosopher's Stone to restore their old bodies back. Of course, other people who has their own wishes wouldn't just let two boys take away the stone which holds great alchemy powers.

One of things people wish to obtain from the stone is, immortality. The ability to live for eternity even when generations of people die around you. You escape death and live on forever, which is defying the law of nature.

I certainly wouldn't want immortality, because that means leaving behind the people I know. I can make friends again and again but they'll just die again and again. I'll have to attend so many funerals that I'll cry my eyes out (depending on how close I am to them). Yes, immortality has a price to pay.

Death is unavoidable, no matter who you are or what you are. Even if you're a rock you'll just decompose one day. Humans are thought to be a better species than others because clearly we have better brains but in the end we'll just end like other species or animals - we die.

Though we live longer than other species (tortoises win us humans, hands down), sometimes I think would it be better if we hadn't been granted for such long lives. If you're able to live up to 100, that'll probably make you decades more experienced in life than others, plus having more memories. And the moment you die, all these things will just disappear. You gain more, you lose more. It's a pity, maybe?

But if you have Alzheimer's, that's a different story. *cough*

So if you ask me why people would want to gain immortality, I wouldn't know why. Let's say a immortal president is willing to sacrifice everything including his family, and work hard to improve the country, maybe yes it's a good idea. But it's lonely to run a country alone.

People fear death, and probably that's another reason people desire to be immortal. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to pass away in their sleep so I guess it's scary. Who knows if suddenly you'll be involved in an accident, or you are infected with a deadly virus or someone close to you suddenly is gone forever ..

But that's a part of life.What starts, must end. We're given life, so death comes along with the package. This sentence is used so many times, but we should live life to the fullest. It's okay to have regrets (it's super normal, join the club) but don't let it bother with you for too long.

Life sucks (I said it many times) so we just gotta go with the flow. Cherish the good times and forget the bad stuffs. They aren't worth any single second till your expiry date. I think it's good to remember the fact that we're living but we're closer to death day by day, so that you'll make better decisions.

So yeah, immortality is unachievable. I don't think it's possible even in the future. The closest to immortality is just a longer life. Or you could disable aging in the Sims 3 and your character will live on forever, muahahahah. Okay.

Happy living.


I had just finished two Singaporean movies, Ah Boys To Men (ABTM) and Ah Boy to Men 2.

Perhaps I had high expectations after people told me how good it was, and it was just okay for me. I prefer Jack Neo's older creations, like I Not Stupid. Even the kids acted better than the boys in ABTM.

Watching the movie made me thought of my Singaporean friends in the army. For two years they have to undergo strict training, unlike what we have in Malaysia, a three month holiday.

I wasn't chosen to serve NS but I had heard many Malaysians saying that it's a wonderful and fun experience. But in Singapore, it's a different story. They are trained like REAL soldiers so I never heard any Singaporean friends saying that army was fun.

For me, I wouldn't mind if I had to serve NS, I get to hold a freakin' real gun. So I don't get why Malaysians aren't willing to go to NS for just three months when compared to our neighbouring country, which is compulsory to serve NS for two whole years.



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