Rotten Apple.

Right now I'm pissed off so please bear with me while I rant.

It all began when my uncle told me that his daughter wanted to upgrade her phone and so her iPhone 4 wasn't going to be used anymore, and he asked me if I would like to buy it. I thought, why not? Since my Sony XPERIA sucked.

I'm actually quite content with my XPERIA, it's just that you can't put the photos in albums and they just jumble all up in one stupid big folder and if you want to find a picture you'll have to search in a sea of unloading photos.

And the Sony Ericsson phone was super outdated, if there's a better device I thought it might be great. So I agreed to my uncle and got the phone the next day. The moment the phone was in my hand, it has prepared to make my life worse.

Of course I had to transfer my SIM card from my old phone to the new one, so I was really trying to figure out how the heck to open that super thin phone. I gave up and looked for my best friend, Google. Turned out you have to use a special pin to open it. Before that I even tried to use a needle and a scissor.

My mom handed me the pin and yeah, it opened. But my SIM card was way larger than tray to insert the SIM card. Once again my best friend Google told me that I have to own a micro SIM card to use the iPhone  4. Right at the moment, I'm like 'Screw this, I'm not using an iPhone'.

But a part of me still wanted to try, so I went out with my mom to change my SIM card into a micro one. And yay, I didn't manage to hit anything while driving to the mall.

So, I got home and yeah the SIM card fits. Next thing I did was try to transfer files like songs and photos into the iPhone 4. After inserting the USB cable and stuff and I thought, owhmaigawd why is the iPhone so freaking inconvenient.

Well, unlike the other phones I used before it seems like you have to use iTunes to sync ur PC and your phone to transfer the file. Well yeah, I did Google for answers but unfortunately it didn't tell me THAT I HAVE TO HAVE ITUNES IN THE PC. And I was wondering why isn't my phone syncing.

I had friends to help me and finally, I had an rough idea on how everything works with this stupid thing call iTunes. I would like to thank Seru for telling me I need iTunes on my PC and ICY for teaching me on how to sync. I could tell that he was kinda like 'WOW YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO SYNC?' through Skype. Hahaha, and he was leaving for Turkey that night.

It was tough, real tough. I swear I was near to tears dealing with such troublesome things. If it was a normal phone I would done everything in 15 minutes and listen to my music already.


I managed to transfer songs, yeah. And I was all like, HELL YEAH IT'S FINALLY DONE now let me set my ringtone to Bang! WHUT I CAN'T DO THAT? WHUDDAHELL.

Googled. Followed procedure. Couldn't get the results because it seemed like my PC is dumb or iTunes is dumb or I'm dumb or everything is dumb. I was so pissed off, frustrated and just feeling sad that I actually dumped my super convenient Android for this Apple shit.

Sorry, Apple fans, I don't even know why and how you guys can cope with this.

I'm already missing my Android.

Seemed like I am not able to enable the extension view for file types. And to do that I have to look for 'Tools' in iTunes which I obviously couldn't find at the moment, if not I wouldn't be here wishing that I have the chance to hit whoever created iTunes which is probably Steve Jobs who is clearly dead and missed and I have no idea why people even liked his idea.

Sorry, Steve Jobs, I don't mean to speak ill of the dead but why? Just why? I don't even know if you created  iTunes but just whyyyyyyy.

Pardon me, I'm just pissed off. NOW WHICH KIND SOUL IS KIND ENOUGH TO GUIDE ME THROUGH THIS SHIT. I feel like cracking my head open and just let it bleed and drown the iPhone 4. No, I don't understand why people use Apple products. My father isn't a fan of Apple, and now his daughter is struggling with it.


But now my SIM card is shrunk to a tiny piece and I can't use my Android phone anymore. NOW I'M STUCK IN THE MIDDLE AND I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD JUST STRUGGLE WITH THE IPHONE.

I'm sad, ish real sad.

I should just roll into a ball.


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