300th Post.

My first semester in university is finally overrrrrrrrrrrr! I just submitted the last report on Monday and boy am I glad that everything is settled. All that is left is my English test next week and I'm still not sure how I'm going to prepare for it, hmm.

Well, the whole semester is a new experience to me. I have maybe a month or two before my next semester begins and honestly I prefer this system than secondary school. I can't say that I don't look forward for my next semester even though I know it's going to be tough, after seeing seniors struggling with their work.

For my final projects I had to spend hours in the design studio, dress up as a superhero, and deal with very weird people. Yes, very weird and very irresponsible people. Yes, yes.

For one of my subject, me and my group had to create face cutouts. We were given a theme 'Carnival' and we had to make life size models of objects related to carnival. A group made a Ferris wheel and another made a model of bumper cars.

We originally wanted to make a ticket booth but our lecturer thought it wasn't 'interactive' enough since there was a group that hung balloons filled with paint on canvases and you could throw darts to make the burst. And apparently another group wanted to make a photo boot but didn't in the end. Sucks to be us, hmm.

Anyway, I'm pretty glad ours weren't that difficult if you're looking at construction. We just had to draw characters and give them support. But honestly, it wasn't easy. But we made it in the end and I had fun.

Fear us.

Fear the slenderjoon.

After everything is done.

Well, we actually wanted to display our works at an open space at my university but it started drizzling so we placed it at another location, where not much people passed by. My lecturer also wanted the exhibit our works until the evening but the rain ruined the plan. So we just did a quick presentation and had fun with bursting balloons.

I was lucky I didn't get any acrylic paint on my clothes.

For another assignment, I had to dress up as a superhero that my group designed. It was actually designed by me but there was slight modification here and there. Dressing up isn't much of the problem, but it was getting the materials and getting things done.

I had to go to the tailor to get my costume sewed. My aunt bought me to a tailor near her area and thanks to her constant bargaining, we managed to get the costume done for an 'OK' price. Without her explanations, the tailor wouldn't know exactly how he should sew the cloths, because my Malay clearly sucked.

The character that I designed was all in white, including her hair so I had to get a wig. I'm kinda grateful to have cosplaying friends because they are the people who had such stuffs. I managed to borrow a pair of white boots and two wigs.

On the day of the photoshoot, it was fun to see everyone getting ready in their costumes. We had Martin Luther King in a suit similar to Iron Man, Captain Macho Man and other superheroes that are unique in their own way. For extra information, my superhero is the Third Eye.


I guess it was a great experience, because dressing up as the Third Eye was the same like cosplaying. I remember that I wanted to try cosplaying once but my mother didn't support the idea and I wasn't willing to spend the money. I have always looked at other cosplayers in envy since then. But not anymore.

I was wearing a white wig to campus and yeah, I noticed a lot people staring at me. Now I kinda understand how a cosplayer feels going full costume in a public place. An aunty actually complimented how nice my white hair was, I quickly explained myself after that. But I did fool a lot of people at my Facebook, saying that I bleached my hair.


That tattoo is nice, isn't. Teehee.

Classmate is so cool owhmergerd.

During the photoshoot, I had to stand very still because my lecturer was shooting a very low shutter speed to shoot in the dark. It was very difficult because I was wearing boots there are a size smaller than my feet. Plus, it was hard to balance in the dark. So in the end, the pictures that were taken in the dark were blur.

The sword was made by my leader. He broke four umbrellas.

Aaah, but now that everything is done I'm super relieved. I finally have a chance to relax and maybe use my tablet to draw. And I definitely have more time to update my blog now, FEAR NOT MY READERRRRSSS.

I just cleared my room from all the mess today. Man, my room was very messy because I had a lot of papers and stuffs and I always leave them on the floor. My mom wouldn't even enter my room anymore because she says she can't even walk in my room.

I spent probably half a day in my room clearing stuffs and wiping off the dust on my bookshelf. I found many stuffs that were related to my past and I did throw a lot of them away. Because they were just taking up so much space.

My Chinese name written on a single grain of rice. You're going to see me wearing this now.

Now my room is so clean that I feel so happy. *giggles and runs away*



As promised I will leave a spot for you, Kuchan. Now take a look at his glorious moment.

I was super happy for Vercis (It's weird to use in third person when it's not Seru) and the sound of the medal did not bother me at all. In fact, I wanted to hear it again and again, LOL. It reminded me of when Seru won his first medal, which is also Singapore's first medal.

And we went parading around the channels wearing the same avatars. Ahh, memories.

Congratulations, mogKuchanmoceVercisEGOISTfanmog. Here, have a GIF of Inori.


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