Class Activities.

Okay so, my second semester of my foundation is ending in about two weeks. It's not long ago when I first enrolled to university and went through a whole new different phase of life. I met old and new people, experience new things and went to new places.

Well, my foundation course is still not so bad. My classmates are okay and my lecturers are.. not bad, yes. There isn't a lot of students in my batch so everyone knows each other by now. We only got close during the second semester but till this day we never took a class photo with everyone inside.

Probably the most unique class photo evaaaar.


I wouldn't say I did a lot of things together with my class. I saw many people who went out with the class frequently, or take photos with the class everyday, or just get along with everyone since day one. My class isn't like that. Even our lecturers thought it was weird that we're not that close to each other.

We definitely made some improvements but it's sad because everyone is going to separated in two weeks. Yeap.

I'm just going to share a few things that I did with my classmates.

Meteor Shower Viewing

Initially, we wanted to camp at a beach and witness a meteor shower. We traveled in three cars and went to Tanjung Sepat. We had our dinner beside the Lover Bridge which is destroyed halfway with dogs around it since it was low tide when we were there.

There was many source of man made light, so it was too bright to see any stars or even meteor shower. My classmates discussed where else we could go and so they decided to go to Pantai Morib which was not far away.

But it isn't any better, and it is probably worse because the beach was commercialized. There were bright lights everywhere, toilets that require you to pay 30 cents (whattheheck) and wow, Wi-Fi.

We couldn't get to the beach because high tide was coming in so we camped on the cold hard pavement. I learned my lesson from my camping trip at Taman Negara and brought a sleeping bag and a pillow.

And so, the game begins. My classmates begin drinking and asking questions and telling stories. It wasn't as interesting as the midnight talk in Taman Negara but it was good enough. We definitely knew each other more during that sessions. Ho.

Oh, I didn't see any meteor shower or any shooting stars. But one of my classmates saw three! I'm not really disappointed, because I knew we'll need a miracle for us to actually witness a meteor shower. But I guess sleeping under the stars is not bad too.

We went back after having breakfast together.

Batik Field Trip

It was actually organized by one of our lecturers for an assignment. We went to Jadi Batek Gallery by bus. Before this we already designed our batik in groups and we're just supposed to create the batik ourselves.

I'm pretty sure there is quite a number of steps in creating a batik but we only did the waxing and the colouring that day. Even though we already knew what we're supposed to do, doing it yourself is a totally different case.

My group design was probably a little bit too complicated to wax, because our design is a little bit to tiny. In the end, our waxing wasn't really neat and nice. Mine was horrible. Colouring? Heh, I don't want to talk about it.

Guess which one is mine.

It was definitely a new experience, and now I certainly have respect to the people who are making all the batik. The way they colour is just amaaaaazing. I was always bad at colouring, sigh.

We're going to present our end product next Tuesday. *wipes sad tears*

Foundation Course Party

Hmm, it was my school's idea of organizing a 'BBQ' party for the first and second semester students to 'get to know each other'. I thought, we'll get food so why not?

We're the only batch that is from the second semester. Meanwhile, there are two batch of the first semester. There are probably more than 60 of them in total. Scary numbers. Our lecturers were also there.

The party started with the paint balloon-popping ceremony. Yes. Please not forget that we're design students.

Soon, everyone begun dining. I said it again and again but I really regretting not eating more fried chicken there. It affected me so bad that I kept ordering chicken for the next few days.

We didn't mingle or talk to the semester one students at all. We only exchanged a few words at most. The only student we talked to the most was one guy who was from our batch but got transferred because he got into an accident and couldn't attend the course.

So I guess our design school's goal is a total failure.


Oh, should I wait for a miracle to happen.

Or should I just go crash my head against the wall.

I prefer the second choice.


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