Dragon Barbecue Face.

I did not make any effort for this post's title.


I can write a whole post about how much I like How to Train Your Dragon 2 by DreamWorks but I decided not to. Let's just say that I was looking forward to it so much that I bought tickets to watch it. And I, do not, watch movies in cinemas. The last time was in January.

Ahh, I don't know what to say but I really enjoyed it. The graphic was great (I'm not used to wide screens) and the story wasn't boring, Toothless was adorable as heck and HICCUP IS OWHMAIGAWD SHO HANDSOME.

*SPOILER ALERT* A romance between a pair of couple who are not the main characters is good for a change and ahh, tragedy. Sorry, but I enjoy tragedy once in a while. Disney would never let an important person die at the climax of a film.


Okay, I'm officially done with my Foundation course and yeah, all I'm doing now is wait for my results. *sigh*

After we had our English exam and submitting some last assignments, my class decided to have a barbecue party at a classmate's apartment. When I knew about party it was the day before because apparently to them it's okay to post important details at a Whatsapp group where your messages are instantly flooded away with spam. Sorry.

It was sudden (to me) but I went anyway. It was the last time we could hang out together before some of us might leave our university. Not to mention, we haven't take a full class photo. In the end, a class photo is still impossible for us.

The food was great but I'm so frustrated at myself because I wanted to eat more but I was feeling so full. I regretted the next day and I'm still thinking about the chicken and mutton now. One of my classmate also prepared delicious Oreo truffles. 


Hmm, we even played the White Elephant game. I feel bad for preparing a pink coin box but oh well. It was fun, I guess. I received a bracelet. By the time we finished the game, we had to pack our stuffs because we're supposed to leave at 11.

It's dark but those are the gifts.

Hmm, after spending a whole year with my classmates, it's a little bit sad to be separated. I'm pretty sure I will miss some faces but ah well, that's life. I enjoyed spending time with everyone. Although I'm not even sure if any of them read my blog but I would also like to apologize if I said anything wrong that might have offended or hurt some people.


Since I became a teenager, my mom was been bugging me about the cleanliness of my face. And I admit, I have not been the most hardworking teenager who washes her face everyday with endless face washing products.

I had a nightmare probably a week ago and it was a dream where my face started growing disgusting plant-like.. things on my face. Gah, it was really horrifying for me but my mom managed to peel that extra layer off my skin easily in my dream, which is very weird.

But that was way after I agreed to go to a facial treatment with my mom. I was always busy but finally my course was over and I could go.

/extra picture here/

We greeted the lady and started the treatment right away. I had my eyes closed from the beginning till the end and I all knew is that the lady was applying layers and layers of I-don't-know-what on my face. She could have applied poison to my face and I would still lie motionlessly.

The whole treatment lasted about two hours and I could think about is if I had to apply so many stuffs on my face,

But of course that isn't the case. That's why you go to facial treatments.

I received some advice from the lady and hopefully I'll get used to washing my face more. orz


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