Comic Fiesta 2016

After my first time in CF, I decided I will never return. But I also do. I wonder why.

This year, I had a reason. I wanted to support a friend who is having a booth for the first time. And I know another person who is also managing their booth, so it's like visiting them and see how they're doing.

But other than that, I have no reason to go. I don't buy anything (because I don't like keeping stuff) and I really don't have anyone I wanted to meet. Famous cosplayers are cool but did you look at the queue!!?

It was a good chance to try out the public transport around my area that was recently developed. It's great because the event location is very far away and I don't like driving. This year's location was at PWTC, when they had it at KLCC for the past few years.

Thanks to the help of friends, I was fortunate enough to get hold of tickets so I didn't have to queue early in the morning before the event even started to buy them. I heard from my friend's mother that she had to queue for two hours to buy the tickets, yikes.

I got there and walked around, looking at artists' booths and saw some really famous cosplayers with my own eyes but that's about it. I thought there were lesser cosplayers than usual and lesser exciting things to check out.

The crowd's okay but according to a friend she said the first day was more packed. They were also complaining how stuffy and hot it was in the halls.

Had a sucky lunch and spilled water (thank you to the person who gave me tissue without hesitation) and walked around some more. Then I was back my way home, but not before stopping by Sunway Putra Mall.

I bought nothing, took no pictures, met no cosplaying friends 'cause I didn't really plan ahead. Am I disappointed, not really, I knew it will end up like this.

I'm glad for my friends managing the booths and thankful for my brother for accompanying me. Hopefully, I will have no more reasons to return to CF.

It's not like CF was bad, it just isn't for me.


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