
Showing posts from September, 2009

Penang Trip

I'll spread my wings and learn how to fly I'll do what if takes till I touch the sky And I'll make a wish Take a chance Make a change And breakaway --- I went to Penang during the holidays and spent four days and three nights there. I have an aunt living there and it's been a long time since I been to her apartment. The last time I been there I was really, really young. The main reason I went to Penang is to snorkel. The location was Pulau Payar. In the past, I also been there before. But I was young and I was afraid. And the young me even think I saw jellyfishes but it actually was white floats >_> So I went to Penang along with my family and my cousin. His sister won't follow because her mother isn't coming. They are missing the fun :[ It didn't actually took 6 hours to reach Penang, but because of stopping by to have lunch and got kinda lost at the Penang island, it took about 5 hours. And I don't really remember I sleep

18th of September - Hana's Birthday

The holidays starts. And I don't have Audition to entertain me! *sobcrysobfaintdies* --- It's Hana's birthday and she decided to throw a birthday party at her home. I was first to arrive, then Kitty, followed by Chuo Han and Hwey Xien. Surprise visit by Yi Enn and last, Kah Yan. I have been to Hana's house when she just moved in, and now it's a fabulous place to be. Everything is organized, designed and decorated neatly and nice. Hanging on the walls are Hana's masterpiece. THEY. ARE. BEAUTIFUL. DUE TO SOME STUPID PROBLEMS BLOGGER HAS CAUSED, ALL THE FONTS ARE TURNED INTO ANNOYING TINY FONTS. I WISH TO EDIT BUT I GAVE UP. NOTHING WILL CHANGE IT. SO ENJOY THE PIC AND IMAGINE YOUR OWN CAPTIONS. My favourite :3 Oops, can't see it clearly. EEEE! I had problems with my Audition patcher and seeing Hana's sibling playing almost made me crawl on to the ground. Seriously. I was SUFFERINGGG. I played a few rounds and managed to full combo 3254 Techno Party after

Eeeeks !

Try playing all your songs fast forward. It's enjoyable. ilikedamoveitmovieilikedamoveitmoveit324532453245-5-5-5ddddddjdjdjfireinthskyGEEGEEGEEGEEBABYBABYBABY And after you fast forward, play it back at normal speed. And then you will realize how slow it is. --- BUGS scare me. They scare the hell out of me. They creep me out. They send chills down to my spine. Sorry, but I hate them. Bug lovers, please forgive me. Their eight or six or even uncountable legs. Their big beady eyes. And the worst, their WINGS. Not wings with feather but dry wings that ready to take off any second. On the ground was enough to make me run, but flying? I will be at my grave if it landed on any part of my body. Insects that I feared most would be, - butterflies - cockroaches - dragonflies - grasshoppers. BUTTERFLIES. I wonder how they got their name. It made no sense! I don't want to find out either. People find butterflies are beautiful creatures that fly with their colourful wings. While other peop


I don't think many of you know, but my computer died about one week ago. Hard drive problems. I died along with it. My body didn't rot but my spirit was flying away. *ahemkoffkoff* I was "dead". Not being able to use my computer was dreadful. I wasn't used to another computer and I had all my things over there. We made emergency calls to my rescuer cousin and we depended on him because he saved our computer's lives many times. Our hopes are on him. I came back from home one day, welcoming my cousins. I went upstairs and saw a horrible sight. My dear computer was lying on the floor. The insides had been took out from its body and flesh. I had prepared for this, but deep down, I was sad. From what I heard my mother said, my cousin said he might able to save the computer, but maybe not. In the end, he said he wasn't able to save it. Even he was able to rescue our computer's poor soul, all the memories in it might be washed away. My cousin asked us if ther

Harbin 2009

Love this pic <3 --- I wanted to share my experience in Harbin, China long time ago. But because I was lazy, and I accidentally deleted the first post of it, I gave up. And now I haven't updated my blog, I took this chance. Harbin was a chilly experience. All Malaysian that are used to our hot weather should go somewhere cold at least one time. If, affordable. --- Well, I have to say I have a really great time over there. Meeting new people and seeing new things. I went to Harbin with my relatives and family. It took more than one week, and I had to skip two days of school, hehe. The best thing going to this trip is experiencing the cold. We went to difference places and every place is getting colder and colder. The maximum was negative 20 degree Celsius. We had to cover ourselves until only the eyes are seen. Ah! I don't know what to write! I feel like writing the whole thing but that would be a total waste of time but if I skipped a few parts then I would feel like I