
Showing posts from December, 2009

Seeing Stars :P

I thought it was stars in the skies, but it wasn't close at all. You got me, Chia Woen. --- Well, my house is in the process of repainting and I am at Malacca now. My cousin told me to go along with her to see some artists at a shopping mall and I thought why not? There were four artists appearing were Lin Yu Zhong (林宇中), Thomas and Jack (东于哲), and Danny Koo (许佳麟, Ah Boy). I have only heard Thomas and Jack the day before and I am already crazy after them >_> I'm crazy, that's what my relatives describes me. The appearence was at 7 in the evening but we went at 2 because we decided to go shopping. We wanted to catch a movie but the time wasn't right for us. So basically we were just hanging around at the mall. I had dinner at Secret Recipe while my cousins have theirs at Burger King. The reason I had mine at Secret Recipe because the location was perfect to see the artist. It's upstairs and if things get out of control downstairs, we're safe up there. Well,

Special Christmas

I never really celebrated Christmas anyways. --- I was told there was a change of plans by Mrs.Yip, one of the ballet teachers at my dance studio. At first, my ballet teacher refused to let us perform on Christmas Eve because we had class and practice for the competition on the same day. But thanks to the begging of other teachers, she allowed us under one condition. Everyone in class have to attend. I was also told to bring an evening dress. What the hell are you kidding me? :D I never own a dress or a skirt in my wardrobe , just pants and shorts! But my mother always said she wants to buy a skirt for me. We did go shopping for presents and clothes. But we ended up buying another jeans, a shirt and a cool-looking vest! xD Proud to own that vest *_* In the end my mother failed again. Anyways, on that performance day we were rushing going through with the spacings and the dance because there were additional dancers and the location was shaped as a "L". But then everyone put

Say Whut?

What is this? Seriously I don't know what is this anymore. Yeah, I got maxed and reseted. Yeap, I got a pretty crown and a collar. So what? But I'm seriously not happy at all. The problem is I was reseted by strangers and I also reseted strangers. FFS (Friends For Sale) is an application at Facebook where you can buy friends and friends can buy you. Everything is said according to the title. It's was alright until a moment ago I realized how terrifying this game is. To be honest, I already had a horrible day. I logged into Facebook and was asked by a stranger if I am interested to get Achievements at FFS. She maxed me and then asked me again for a reset. I don't clearly remember I have gave her a real answer before but before I realized, I was reseted. I was told to reset another stranger, and I did. Actually, I told her I wanted to reset with one of my friends, but she told me she could find another partner for my friend >_> What terrible joke is this? Thanks f

Smile, dammit.

Watched finish the anime Paradise Kiss just few hours ago. I was satisfied, yay. I really liked how they draw their eyes. And not to forget, the designs of the clothes are just awesome. Not to mention the opening, I can't forget that song. Everything in the anime is just so creative ! Gah, I feel like posting Paradise Kiss. --- Yesterday I had another performance at The Curve. I fell asleep just when I come back from home after fetching my brother from somewhere. I was out of energy. After having a few performances in shopping malls, I realized you cannot expect much from the audiences. Well, at least I love dancing, so it's alright. It's important to smile in a performance, to make the audience comfortable and maybe, happy. I have seen a few nice people who will smile back at me when I smile at them. It feels like an big achievement to make people smile. But on the other way, there are some people who won't move their mouth muscles. I once had a performance at One Utam


1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Nope. 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Just a while ago. 3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Not really D: 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT?. Say what? 5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Yeah, a wolf and a goat :D 6. IF YOU COULD PICK ONE FAMOUS PERSON TO BE FRIENDS WITH, WHO WOULD YOU PICK? I don't really have anyone in mind ._. 7. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Not really. 8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Say what? 9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Honey something, oat something. Forget. 10. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Yesh! If not I can't take them off D: 11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Very Berry Strawberry. Not so sure if I can eat them now >_> 12. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? LOOKS. YEAH. 13. RED OR PINK? Pink <3 14. WHAT IS YOUR MOST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I love dancing <3 15. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My doggie ): 16. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO COMPLETE THIS LIST? If possible. 17. WHAT COLOR PANT

Say, AHHH.

101th post. Means 101 Dalmatian dogs. I should really stop counting my posts. --- Today I went back to a place, where all my nightmare begun. I entered that place along with my mother, but she left me just a short while. I was leaded to a room which bought back so much memories. I remembered everything, the horrible experience, and the tears I shed. It's not as horrible as you think, but it's the reason why I'm like this today. I went to visit the dentist today, I was told by my another dentist to clean my teeth. The last visit was scary that I dared not to visit that dentist again. She told me my gums are swollen and told me to come back to show her how I brushed my teeth ! D: That place, that seemed to be changed or I have forgotten already, is the reason why I'm wearing braces. When I was 5, I refused to let the doctor check my teeth. And it caused my teeth to gradually shift it's place. Straight teeth : ----- Mine : --\ /-- Yeah something like that. I was like

100th Post :D

! finally, post 100th the It's this reach easily could I .past the in posts some deleted accidentally haven't I if .direction wrong the in words typed I ,special it make To >_> read to people for hard and type to me for hard it's But :O right to left from writing started past the in people Chinese But --- In the corner of my mother's bathroom, near where we take a shower, once in a while there will be spider forming its web, its home. When I first saw it, I sprayed it with water. I'm so evil. :D But after I sprayed it, it came back a few days later. I don't know if it was able to live for a long time or what, but someday there's always a spider at that corner. I don't know if its children was told to form its nest at the exact same spot. Same kind of spider, same spot, a nest. Strange. --- CRAAAABBB ! <3 After I got my test results showing that I am only a little sensitive to prawns and crabs, I immediately begged my mom to cook crab for me to e

One Step Away :]

This is the 99th post of my blog. So I decided to make something special for the 100th post. I thought maybe I could save it for New Year or Christmas, but that means I would only post one or two post this December. D: Screw it. --- Hmm. I have already performed twice at The Curve, can't say I am really happy there. We had to change at the toilet which was far away from the place we're supposed to perform and the DJ kept skipping our music. My teacher says the DJ is the big boss so we shouldn't make a big fuss over it :x The first day they totally ruined our performance. DJ's problem. When we're supposed to go on the 4th song, they skipped to the 5th song. And then when 6th song started to play, they skipped the song once again. And that's the dance I'm supposed to perform. Damn pissed off. So we dance the finale straight away. When we got into the van everyone started to complaint :D Oh and my costume. The strap broke twice. Damn afraid it would break durin