One Step Away :]

This is the 99th post of my blog. So I decided to make something special for the 100th post. I thought maybe I could save it for New Year or Christmas, but that means I would only post one or two post this December. D:

Screw it.


Hmm. I have already performed twice at The Curve, can't say I am really happy there.

We had to change at the toilet which was far away from the place we're supposed to perform and the DJ kept skipping our music. My teacher says the DJ is the big boss so we shouldn't make a big fuss over it :x

The first day they totally ruined our performance. DJ's problem.

When we're supposed to go on the 4th song, they skipped to the 5th song. And then when 6th song started to play, they skipped the song once again. And that's the dance I'm supposed to perform. Damn pissed off. So we dance the finale straight away.

When we got into the van everyone started to complaint :D

Oh and my costume. The strap broke twice. Damn afraid it would break during the performance but it didn't. Behind that smile of mine I was worrying it would exposed my body anytime >_>

The second day was better. They builded a changing room which was nearer and the DJ didn't made so much problem like last time. This time there was more audience and most of them are nice :D

My teacher also made changes to my costume, longer of course. This time I wasn't as scared as last time but sometimes I just have the feeling that it might. Nevermind.

Going to perform again on the 16th, 20th and Christmas day itself. Maybe Christmas Eve at another location ._.


Reached level 37 on Pet Society recently x]

And did a big change on Snowii O____O

Whuuuuut is this Snowiiii? Yeap it is. My brother described it as a PORING. Since he was the one who suggested to change Snowii like this.



I'm at my hometown NOOWWWW. WHEEEEEE.


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