Say, AHHH.

101th post. Means 101 Dalmatian dogs.

I should really stop counting my posts.


Today I went back to a place, where all my nightmare begun.

I entered that place along with my mother, but she left me just a short while. I was leaded to a room which bought back so much memories. I remembered everything, the horrible experience, and the tears I shed.

It's not as horrible as you think, but it's the reason why I'm like this today.

I went to visit the dentist today, I was told by my another dentist to clean my teeth. The last visit was scary that I dared not to visit that dentist again. She told me my gums are swollen and told me to come back to show her how I brushed my teeth ! D:

That place, that seemed to be changed or I have forgotten already, is the reason why I'm wearing braces. When I was 5, I refused to let the doctor check my teeth. And it caused my teeth to gradually shift it's place.

Straight teeth : -----

Mine : --\ /--

Yeah something like that. I was like that until I was 12. Then my Australian-borned wore her braces first. At first it was strange, because children our age don't wear braces until we were in secondary. But I also wore mine during I was 12.

The dentist who cleaned my teeth did it very quickly. When she was polishing my teeth, it made a funny sound and I couldn't control myself and started laughing. It was damn embarassing but luckily the dentist was kind :D And this time she didn't tell me to come back and show her how I brushed my teeth D:

It had been two years after I wore my braces on the 17th of September, and I still remember my appointment was at 9 o'clock in the morning. The begining of the pain and suffering, but straight teeth in the end :D

I have friends who also wore braces. And there's apparently two sisters who go to the same dentist as me ! x] Surprise, surprise.

Mehh, I don't know when I will be free from the evil yet good-in-some-way braces. The doctor never really tell me anything except, "Open your mouth, please." and "Bite." D: He says my teeth has straighten but didn't tell me actually when I could take them off.

Today (It's already 2AM, HAHAS.) I will be having appointment again. Hopefully, I get some great news and maybe after the appointment I still can bite. >_>


My cousin came from Malacca to my home. SHUAI. <3


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