100th Post :D

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In the corner of my mother's bathroom, near where we take a shower, once in a while there will be spider forming its web, its home.

When I first saw it, I sprayed it with water. I'm so evil. :D But after I sprayed it, it came back a few days later.

I don't know if it was able to live for a long time or what, but someday there's always a spider at that corner. I don't know if its children was told to form its nest at the exact same spot.

Same kind of spider, same spot, a nest. Strange.



After I got my test results showing that I am only a little sensitive to prawns and crabs, I immediately begged my mom to cook crab for me to eat. And that's what I had yesterday night! <3

I missed the juicy flesh, the delightful taste that never gets old. Everytime I eat crab I could ask for more and more, I could never get full eating crab :D

Ahh, how long have I not eaten crab.

When I was looking for pictures of crab, I thought of SPAGHETTI.

And then when I think of pasta, I think of lagsane !

Hmm. I gotta have this someday. When you're eating pasta, you can't forget Parmesan Cheese :P

Haha, not that appetizing as the previous photos :D Thanks to my daddy for teaching me to love CHEEEEESEEEE =3=

I wish real pizzas were this delicious *_* Alright, enough with the mouth-drooling pictures. I'm waiting for my Hokkien Mee. D:


White Day Chapter Three ish updated :]


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