Special Christmas

I never really celebrated Christmas anyways.


I was told there was a change of plans by Mrs.Yip, one of the ballet teachers at my dance studio. At first, my ballet teacher refused to let us perform on Christmas Eve because we had class and practice for the competition on the same day. But thanks to the begging of other teachers, she allowed us under one condition. Everyone in class have to attend.

I was also told to bring an evening dress. What the hell are you kidding me? :D I never own a dress or a skirt in my wardrobe, just pants and shorts! But my mother always said she wants to buy a skirt for me.

We did go shopping for presents and clothes. But we ended up buying another jeans, a shirt and a cool-looking vest! xD Proud to own that vest *_* In the end my mother failed again.

Anyways, on that performance day we were rushing going through with the spacings and the dance because there were additional dancers and the location was shaped as a "L". But then everyone put on their make up and dressed pretty. Except for me, I wore jeans. :D

We actually forgot to bring our costumes on to the bus and I had to go down and get it. Since I thought other girls were wearing high heels, it would be easier for me because I wore sneakers and I can run :D But other than that, nothing gone wrong and we had a safe trip.

The location of our performance was KL SOHO or the other way around. Mrs.Ko told us it was a high-class steak restaurant. But we were served with lousy choices of food. Instead of dining inside, we were stuck outside. Also, the weather wasn't pretty and it rain for a while. Some of us were happy because they didn't have to perform. We didn't have an actual stage and we were performing outside were the floor was wet and slippery. Yay for sneakers !

I had fun taking pictures with everyone :] I didn't bring my phone and they haven't uploaded the photos on Facebook. I was glad I changed my attitude and get along with everyone >_<


Anyway we had two performances both at the owner's restaurant and his bar. It was tiring because we have to switch location in such short amount of time. I also saw two reindeer's performance which was awesome.

Then we got back on the bus and did the gift exchanging there. I got a gift, yeah. I was surprise no one slept on the way back, everyone was too happy I guess. When we got back to the studio it was almost midnight, that means Christmas is getting near.

We were locked outside because the key was on another teacher's hands. When the door was opened there was only four minutes till midnight. We did the countdown and it was fun. Everyone had fun. Thanks my friends <3

Whee Christmas is over already. Now let's wait for New Years, then Chinese New Years, then the holiday at March. WHOO !


I'm at Malacca because my house is going to be repainted all because of my brother's sake. It's not like he's appreciating everything what my parents' gave to him so I hope he get punished because of his evil deeds :]

My parents aren't with me but I wanna spend time with my daddy as he is only back for two weeks! I guess I'll be staying here for at least 5 days! T___T


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