Seeing Stars :P

I thought it was stars in the skies, but it wasn't close at all. You got me, Chia Woen.


Well, my house is in the process of repainting and I am at Malacca now. My cousin told me to go along with her to see some artists at a shopping mall and I thought why not?

There were four artists appearing were Lin Yu Zhong (林宇中), Thomas and Jack (东于哲), and Danny Koo (许佳麟, Ah Boy). I have only heard Thomas and Jack the day before and I am already crazy after them >_> I'm crazy, that's what my relatives describes me.

The appearence was at 7 in the evening but we went at 2 because we decided to go shopping. We wanted to catch a movie but the time wasn't right for us. So basically we were just hanging around at the mall.

I had dinner at Secret Recipe while my cousins have theirs at Burger King. The reason I had mine at Secret Recipe because the location was perfect to see the artist. It's upstairs and if things get out of control downstairs, we're safe up there. Well, that's what we thought.

So anyway they did come but we choosed the wrong spot. We were too far from the stage and our cameras can't take a picture of their faces. But we didn't change our locations because it was packed down there.

An hour before the appearence.

Getting more and more people.

Lalalala, when Lin Yu Zhong appears!

While the artist gave their performances, they were throwing posters of the show they are acting in (I only watched one episode haha). We were upstairs so there's no possibilty we could reach it. But Jack (reason why I am there) aimed at us and actually tried to throw the poster to us. It's a pity we couldn't get the poster but at least he tried to give us >w<

Well, we could get the poster if we stood in front of the stage since we're already there at 2 and the show starts at 7 >_> But we were scared if the fans get crazy so we hide upstairs. I regreted.

When it was time for them to give signatures to the fans, the crowd was getting smaller so we decided to go down and take closer pictures of them. I RRUUUSSHHHEEEDDDD to the stage and was in front xD

Danny Koo. Uwah I love seeing him.

Jack. Kyah ~ <3

Thomas ~ He was smiling every moment LOL.

Lin Yu Zhong. He dyed his hair @@

I was definitely crazy after them because I took 100+ photos of them. Hey, it's my first time seeing artists and I already blew a chance for not getting a poster. I didn't want to lose another chance :P

But everything had to end but there's still fans chasing after them. I tried to chase them but my cousins stopped me. XD Then we saw Danny Koo leaving the scene alone and there were no fans chasing after him ! T_T But then again I was stopped by my cousins. Omg I pity him so much.

Danny Koo you're the best <3>

Overall I had a great time and I was satisfied. I told my mother the whole thing through Skype and she also said I was crazy. Everyone did.


Want to be a mangaka? Then read Bakuman ! I'm sure you will consider again because I did !

All I did from small was draw, draw and draw. But then after reading this manga I realized it's more than just drawing. Damn everything looked so complicated. Mehh. I don't know what to say.


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