
Showing posts from March, 2010

Oh the Rage.

HEY ! Changed my banner again after such a long time. Instead of a girl, I replaced her with a him. As you can see, I'm crazy over Big Bang now and I really do enjoy TaeYang's Wedding Dress. A sad yet beautiful song. Damn, I wanted to use the playlist from MP3 codes but the songs won't work. Damn you Mixpod. And DAMN I want to choose a song instead of the whole MV. Meh, enjoy TaeYang's handsome face and awesome hairstyle. --- Was in a seriously bad mood. I have calmed down, but I don't want to keep my anger for too long. My words are harsh, but please don't mind it. I just felt so much anger, I will regret for what I have said. From this point of no return, you shall either read it or not. Once you read it, you shall recognize a part of me. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. --- - A tree that lifts me up to the sky. But sometimes you just like to piss me off when you know I'm annoyed. Could you stop that? - Oh, I don't want to talk about you. History will repea

Big ♥ BANG !

I bet no one knows the big bang that is related to the universe. --- If you ask teenagers about Big Bang, I think most of them would answer a Korean boyband. I'm not surprised, because I was like that before :D Big Bang is a Korean boyband that consist five members. Before they were debuted, originally there was six members, but two of them got cut. But then one of eliminated got back in. The six person were Kwon Ji-Yong, Dong Young-bae, Kang Dae Sung, Lee Seung Hyun, Choi Seung Hyun and Jang Hyun Seung. I still can't remember all of the names. Haiz. I was NEVER attracted by Korean culture. I have NEVER liked Korean music as much as Japanese. And I have NEVER thought Korean boys were more handsome than Japanese boys. To speak the truth, I never thought any Korean boys were even close to handsome. I don't know, they just don't attract me. But there's only someone who caught my eyes, not just looks but also his unique voice, that is Choi Seung Hyun

Hiro's New Look :3

I have promised myself I will post something about Audi, yet I couldn't promise myself to finish my homework. Sucks to be me. --- The title explains it all. HIRO GOT AE NEW LOOKIE! Wakakakakakaka. Anyway, the old look bored me a little bit I still like the fact it stands out. But since I leveled up and had a Magic Lamp that could buy any ACash items (hair, clothes, bottom, shoes) for a week, why not :D Bought the latest hair that cost 1,900 cash. Quite expensive, no? :D But I bought because I like it, and it has a earring at its left ear! >w< Without wasting anytime, I used Hiro's acc to play. I didn't want to waste the cashy hair too, so expensiveee whoo. I definitely shocked my friends with Hiro's new look :D Notice the chatbox @w@ We went sporty and crazy ! Hoho, finally break the x10 chain in 1 2 Party. Who's da DJ? :D I am suprised that exclude close friends, no one knew that behind xHirohata was actually xSnowCone. No FAM me

What a Suuuurprise.

I went to Sunway with my classmates yesterday and it was fun. And I improved a lot at ice skating! Well, that's what I think. We also watched the movie Alice in Wonderland. It was okay, but I was sleepy at the most important part. JABBARWOOCKIEEEE ! Screw Johnny Depp, off with the heads ! xD --- I'm now at my hometown, MALACCA . And at a Popular store in Jusco, I meet my classmate, JO YEE . And our school is at SELANGOR . What a coincidence. Maybe her family or relative lives here. She was reading books while I was looking for a book. I spotted a book, Shiver at MPH at Mid Valley. I knew this book at the Internet and didn't knew I could find it here, so automatically, I wanted this book. But well LOOK at the beautiful price. My mother isn't a member of MPH so there's no discount so she didn't want to buy that book for me. She's never going to bring me to another bookstore ever again. I never got to find the book so I bought another. Screw vampire and ang

What a Weeeek.

I don't think I have any other weeks that is as interesting as this. :D --- MONDAY Arriving at school and I heard that we will be getting jabs. Some said it was fine but my Moral teacher said some cried. Well, it's a normal reaction for us to be scared but I was a little excited, because we get to skip class. I also skipped tuition because school said it was compulsory to attend the sport thingy at school. The truth is, nobody cares about that. I just went there because I rather run at the field than sitting down at class with noisy BEEEAAAACCCHHESSS talking. So I went with SW and Yi Vien, my apologies to Hana for leaving you alone at tuition T_T TUESDAY I was still waiting to get the jab. But I didn't. Haha, it was an awesome day because I skipped my Photography club meeting. Instead, I went to the Computer club with my friends. I was bored with Photography and decided to follow my friends. They said that could do homework and play the computer, and the teacher doesn'

Up ! Date.

I know I haven't update my blog and I feel guilty, for myself. My computer is slow so it's very hard to upload photos. Sob. AND MAH AUDI IS LAGGING LIKE HEEELLLLL. --- I just finished one of the small tests in my school. I didn't really prepared for it, like always. And it's just a small test at the beginning of the year, don't really have to put effort for it. :D So the three day war ended, and most of us wanted to know the results. Heh, I don't really care about mine. Anyways about my results ! Mehh, it wasn't great, compared to the geniuses in my class. I realized, I never cared for my results. Even I got the 2nd last in the past, that didn't really struck me. I am in deep trouble :D --- I have been dancing for like 10 hours every week. I don't really mind, I should get used to it, hmm. But sometimes it ruins my mood. There's a refreshment course for Grade 6,7,8 at my Ballet studio and it's compulsory for us to go