Oh the Rage.

HEY ! Changed my banner again after such a long time. Instead of a girl, I replaced her with a him. As you can see, I'm crazy over Big Bang now and I really do enjoy TaeYang's Wedding Dress. A sad yet beautiful song.

Damn, I wanted to use the playlist from MP3 codes but the songs won't work. Damn you Mixpod. And DAMN I want to choose a song instead of the whole MV. Meh, enjoy TaeYang's handsome face and awesome hairstyle.


Was in a seriously bad mood. I have calmed down, but I don't want to keep my anger for too long. My words are harsh, but please don't mind it. I just felt so much anger, I will regret for what I have said.

From this point of no return, you shall either read it or not. Once you read it, you shall recognize a part of me.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.


- A tree that lifts me up to the sky. But sometimes you just like to piss me off when you know I'm annoyed. Could you stop that?

- Oh, I don't want to talk about you. History will repeat, and I don't want to read it again.

- You're the best, I seriously mean it. But sometimes when you get moody you words are harsh. And you explode when I explode. So what about my feelings?

- You are ball on fire. Okay, try imagine the whole world adding a GAY in front of your name. Like it? It's okay to make fun but think about the victims.

- Meh, you're now a zombie, a human that was brainwashed. You attacked your own people once you loved. Oh, but wait, I don't think you ever loved them in the first place. And now you have created someone evil.

- Bitches at the back ! It doesn't matter where you go, you won't zip your lips. You don't know how much I urge to duct tape your mouth and hang you upside-down.

- Sometimes I just don't know why I keep on trying. Sometimes I just hate you all.

- Haha. Die, you freaking feathered, winged creature. Accept us, or. Hmm, nevermind. :)

- Why are you all looking at me. Read the books for once. So you are getting the credits while I stuff things into my poor brain?

- Man, I should be more mean from the beginning. Stupid old dog, you're just annoying. You ruined my life, and it gives me pleasure to end yours.

- Why are you fragile? Why do keep leading me to the wrong directions? I just can't trust you anymore, yet I kept repeating my mistakes.

- I totally understand her feelings, I was like her before. Too bad, she gave loads of effort while I just did a little. But please don't treat her that way, you don't know how it feels to fall down into a hole.


I wish there are more victims, to feel my rage. Oh, so evil.


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