Big ♥ BANG !

I bet no one knows the big bang that is related to the universe.


If you ask teenagers about Big Bang, I think most of them would answer a Korean boyband. I'm not surprised, because I was like that before :D

Big Bang is a Korean boyband that consist five members. Before they were debuted, originally there was six members, but two of them got cut. But then one of eliminated got back in. The six person were Kwon Ji-Yong, Dong Young-bae, Kang Dae Sung, Lee Seung Hyun, Choi Seung Hyun and Jang Hyun Seung. I still can't remember all of the names. Haiz.

I was NEVER attracted by Korean culture. I have NEVER liked Korean music as much as Japanese. And I have NEVER thought Korean boys were more handsome than Japanese boys. To speak the truth, I never thought any Korean boys were even close to handsome. I don't know, they just don't attract me.

But there's only someone who caught my eyes, not just looks but also his unique voice, that is Choi Seung Hyun, a.k.a T.O.P. Kyaaaaah ! ♥ >w

Okay enough with that, I'm here to speak about Big Bang :D One day while I was playing Audition, I heard the song Lollipop sang by Big Bang and 2NE1. I thought it was really good(because T.O.P was singing a lot), so I checked out their MV at YouTube. I learned that there's a Big Band documentary that consists 11 episodes.

The documentary was about the members, their strength and weakness, how they work hard before their debut, the up and downs along the way and every step they have taken before how they are now, the popular Big Bang.

Ji-Yong (leader) talking about problems with the group.

Young-bae when he was having trouble with his singing.

When Daesung's father strongly disagree his dream of being a singer.

Seung Hyun (kinda look like Wheesung here) didn't really have problems but he was cut out of the group later.

Sensitive Hyun Seung, who was having a hard time expressing his expressions.

(OMGLOOKHOWHANDSOMEHEIS) Seung Hyun who can't dance well. >:

Hmm, I things I know about the member from the documentary.

Ji-Yong(G-Dragon) - He have undergo 6 years of training before the president decided to form a group with him as the leader. He have begun rapping and appearing on TV when he was 13. He is really an ideal leader and he's good in singing, dancing, rapping and his style is good too.

Young-bae(TaeYang) - Has also been through 6 years of training and his singing is really good. I like his single, Wedding Dress. Before their debut, there was a moment when he was having problems with his singing though.

Dae Sung - Cheerful and active, unfortunately people from the company once called him the "Ugliest One". With his father objecting his dream, he goes to school before practice and returns home after practice. But in the end, his father approves and supports his career. His singing is good, but I like his personality even more :)

Lee Seung Hyun(Seungri) - Having the same name as T.O.P and being the youngest in the team, he is called Maknae(Little) Seung Hyun. He is always confident with his dancing skills and along with his singing skill, I still wonder why the president decided to cut him out. Fortunately, he came back.

Hyun Seung - Putting T.O.P aside, I think I would choose Hyun Seung as the most good-looking guy. He has big eyes that make me think he's pretty LOL. Seriously, with his good cute looks and his amazing voice he will charm the girl fans. But he's shy and sensitive, also unable to express with his face, I'm not surprised he got cut. Now he's in another group, B2ST.

Choi Seung Hyun(T.O.P) - My favourite member among others. His rapping skills is the reason he stayed in this group. Even he looks dead serious, T.O.P is actually a really funny guy. I have noticed his before at the MVs, he has serious problem with his dancing. I also noticed when the other members are posing in photos, he is most likely to hide or just stand there. LOL.

His voice charms me, his looks kills me, I don't care if he can't dance as well as others because whenever I hear him rap I fall for him again and again. He's the only person who can look natural with eye liners and he's the tallest among other members! He's the first Korean to make me think, OMG THIS GUY KOREAN IS HANDSOME!

Love ♥ T.O.P so muuuuuuuuuuccch !

I haven't finished watching the whole thing, but I do recommend it. Before watching this documentary, I only knew who T.O.P was, and maybe G-Dragon after my cousin told me. But when watching this documentary, I finally knew who was who and get the know about them. And of course, my love for Big Bang was grown. I certainly enjoyed the whole thing. Okay maybe not the whole thing since I haven't watched finished it.


Is the first time I been so crazy over a real person, instead of 2D people?

I don't mind if it's T.O.P!

But I can't believe my first celebrity crush was a Korean ._.


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