Spelling error - ALIVE !


I finally updated my blog. I haven't updated it for a long week, and I guess it's going to be inactive until the holiday during June. Because I am very, very, very, BUSY. I can't promise to update my blog every week, so it will be dead, I guess, until I have time.

I seriously never felt so busy for my whole life. It's the first time that I didn't have time to draw, even when I'm using the computer it's because of homework.

Now, I'm preparing for both Ballet competition and my school's mid term exam. Exactly right after the day of my examinations, I have to go for the competition which last 3 days if I made into the finals. And after those, I have a concert coming. Then I have to prepare for PMR and then my Advanced Foundation Examination and, GAAAH.

My schedules are packed like never before, even on Friday which I normally feel free is filled with dance training. Once there is training, it's at least three hours. INTENSIVE TRAINING, RAWR.


I went to see Romeo and Juliet Ballet Production last week. Main reason is because both of my male classmates and my teacher is in it, and they got big roles :D

Before the performance they served us "appetizers". They presented us four dances, and I don't like any of them because I am lazy to wait as I am getting sick. I mean, seriously sick, I wasn't feeling well at all.

But you can't blame me because they suck, especially the first dance, everyone was out of timing and it was like BLEH BLAH BLEAAAK. Except for one girl, she did well. But it delays the showwwwww ! Grrr.

The show was nice, because I saw my classmates and teacher dance a lot. But I think it could be better, when I feel better. I fell sick the next day.


Today was my friend, Phui Khei's birthday. We helped her celebrate it by staying at school and throwing a party for her.

We bought a cake and another friend actually baked a cake by herself for her. And gosh, it was, AMAZZINGGG. Even better than my mom :P

And it tastes good too :P

I ate another piece of Tiramisu cake and was full then we took pictures and walk around. By 2.30pm I went back home and got ready for another competition training. Brrr, so tired.

Watching Romeo x Juliet, a great anime ! x3 Its theme song is the song at my blog :D


So you do care.


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