Finding Myself.

Just, who am I supposed to be?


Ahh, school on Saturday. That sounds horrible.

Mehh, as a secretary of the Wushu club I was 'forced' to participate a leadership course. I don't mind really, because I will be skipping all the classes and just listening to teachers talking and doing activities. Better than studying, LOL.

Huh, early in the morning people gathered at the hall and registered. Registering is crucial, if you don't register you will die. Your teammate will be dragged down with you and you both will enter hell, the teacher said it was so important that it sounded like that to me.

Hmm, as usual they gave speeches about leadership, blah blah blah. Then they asked questions and gave us quizzes. My team failed miserably and we ended up having a score of -4. Great job people, not like I did anything!

Hmm, things got interesting when they began the treasure hunt. It was fun running around the school and allowed to do that, haha. I guess we were not bad, since our score got close to the other group even though we're still last. Hey, there's another group with the same score as us too!

Well, I guess I did make a new friend. I didn't gain leadership skills, I think. I am still not really familiar with the president of the Wushu club and I think I did nothing much. Oh my.


Sometimes do you ever wonder what you're gonna be when you grow up? Doctor, lawyer, teacher? That's what we thought we will be when we were just little kids. We didn't know how big the world is and what it contained.

As we grow, the things we learn expands. We began to know new things, gaining experiences and grow up some more. And we try to find ourselves.

I think I still don't know what I'll be in the future. I have a clear image of what I'm not going to do, but who knows? My Ballet teacher told us about this and I think it make sense.

Have you found yourself?


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