
Who on earth would know that looking directly into the face of teacher would bring such trouble?

Back then, I didn't. But I should have known better. Have any eye contact with any teacher wouldn't do any good. Mehh, I never dared to look into the eye of a teacher whenever I was doing my oral test, but why the hell did I done it on that day?

Thanks to me staring at the teacher one day, I landed a job as a monitor for the female PE class. And guess what, she knows my brother. It doesn't really mean anything but it's unsettling for me to know that the teacher knows me or anything about me.

I had never had a responsibility for my whole life. I'm serious. I mean it. I almost became the monitor when I was standard one but since primary school, I never became a monitor, an assistant, a librarian or even a prefect. NEVVARRR.

And during my final year, life wanted me to be more responsible. Ugh.

Being the monitor wasn't really bad. I mean, I still can cope with it but it's kinda new to me. For my whole secondary school life, I only been into the teacher's office for less than five times. So when I was looking for that specific teacher's table, I was a little nervous.

I was like, what if I can't find her table? What if I can't find that paper that she wants? What if another teacher stop me and ask me to do another thing? What if I bumped into a discipline teacher? Etc, etc, etc. Ahh, I feel so useless.

Oh yeah, I did screw up when I was jotting down information about the students and yeah, I'm useless when I'm panicking. But so far, I didn't make that teacher angry and I'm happy about it. Ahh, save me.

Well, for this case, I can't blame life. I became the secretary for the Wushu club on my own free will. Five years in the Wushu club and I had become the ordinary member for most of the year. Yes, I do wish for a post for all these years but I didn't have the courage and yeah, I don't many friends there.

I couldn't be the president because in their heart, they already chosen a person. Which, I think really isn't fair. But, oh well.

So when three people including me was suggested for secretary, I was kinda sure I couldn't get the job. I never talked to other members except my friends, I never took part in competitions, I never performed Wushu in school. Who the hell is going to know me? Much less, vote me?

In the end, I was given the least vote. Damn it, it was so freakin' embarrassing. The Form 3 students were new so they have no idea who I was, the Form 4 students voted for another Form 4 girl and there were only SIX Form 5 students left this year!

So I think I only got five votes. I am still thinking how the hell I got the secretary post.

Well, the Form 3 kid said his hand writing was messy so excused himself. The teacher knew me and decided to give me the post because I always had full attendance and it was my last year and co-curricular marks were important for us. So in other words, I was lucky.

Heh, I regretted almost immediately after I had became secretary. I was given LOADS of paperwork. I was shy asking around the other committee members' information and I have no idea if I was doing my job right or wrong. I kept asking questions and advices from my friends.

Oh, I love my friends. Thanks for helping me that day. I would die on the spot without you guys.

So this year, I was forced to be a more responsible person and I will try my best to at least complete my job. Hmm, it is a really different year for me.


Don't promise me anything.


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