The Handsome Side Of Biology.



I once gave that title (look at blog post title) to my tuition teacher who taught us Biology, but he doesn't know that.

Mr Jay (not his real name) teaches Biology (duh) at ERA for I don't know how many years and among all the teachers, he's the youngest I think. I can say he's quite good looking and he has a great personality.

I first saw him when I went to a seminar for PMR. I was sitting far away so I couldn't really see his face. I just remembered he made us laugh a lot and no doubt, he's good at what he's doing. He works at the hospital too.

When I came into Form 4, I attended his class and yeah, I thought he was handsome. Lots of girls liked his looks and even Mr Ding, the owner of ERA said he is handsome. A couple of my friend went crazy over him. I got over it after a few weeks. HE'S A TEACHER COME ONNN.

So anyway, yesterday was our last class, you could say. Mr Jay never came on time as usual and began talking very fast like he always does. He kept going in and out of the room and we did the work he gave us. Not really, we're not in the mood.

After a while he came back in again and asked us to stand up. When we were in Form 4, he liked to ask us questions before class starts. If we could answer, we can sit down. If we can't, he will draw on our face using marker pens. He only drew on my face once.

After two years of drawing our faces, the guys wanted revenge, especially my class' assistant monitor. He made a deal with our teacher, saying if he was able to answer a question, Mr Jay would allow him to draw on our teacher's face. I thought it was quite impossible, nobody drew on Mr Jay's face before.

Later, Mr Jay asked if some of the students could stay back until for another hour. He said he wanted to teach us or finish up syllabus, I wasn't sure. I had Chemistry class later so it wasn't a problem for me. I just thought that how Mr Max would think when the time of his class is taken. I preferred Biology over Chemistry anyway.

Mr Jay wasn't really in class, he kept disappearing. Then he appeared. With boxes of pizza in his hands. We cheered. Gosh, last week he treated us some chips and now pizza? Thank you very much Mr Jay!

He told me to grab the biggest slice, HEHE.

Then, everyone ate and yeah, it tasted great. Wow, I'm hungry now. After that, we went to have a photo session with Mr Jay.

Mr Jay then asked us the question that we waited for. If we could answer him correctly, we get to draw his face, each and every one of us. If we couldn't, he will draw everyone's faces. The question was Biology related, but none of us could answer it. He was halfway drawing the students' faces when the guys ganged up and grabbed our teacher. Then, the drew teacher without any mercy.

Revenge is sweet.

I swear, this photo above is jinxed. After I rotated it to be upright in the computer, it turned back to be horizontal after I uploaded it in Facebook and Blogger. I had to screenshot it and saved it again or else you guys would be looking at it with your head bending at 90 degrees.

Since there are so many students, the boys took pictures with Mr Jay first. Then the girls. Then a combination of girls and some boys. I went back to class a little while later because it was already Chemistry class. Mr Max didn't looked really angry or annoyed though.

 The girls.

No prizes given if you spotted me.

Well, I would like to thank all the teachers in ERA for teaching us and kept up with the noises we made in class. It must have been a pain for the teachers to handle us and educate us people with no brains.

Oh, these photos are taken from XY and Mr Jay's Facebook profile. Hope you guys don't mind and thanks again.


Random picture strikes!

One of my friend went for an operation and it seems he's in coma now. I'm worried for him, he's always stubborn when I told him to see the doctor after he began coughing blood. Obviously there's something wrong but he didn't want his family to be worried. He's dumb, sometimes.

Anyway, LS please wake up soon. Many people who loves you are waiting for you to open your eyes. And I won't forgive you if I didn't give you lollipops. Please, wake up.


Unknown said…
... Why I find your picture when I searched egoist vocalist in google?! Lol. This made me read your story. You're a good writer anyway. You made me feel how good is mr jay! Lol. ERA isn't a school right? :O
June - ♥ said…
Hi Justin! The answer to your question is because I had a post about EGOIST and Google probably brought you here because of that. Link here >

ERA is a tuition center that I went to (:

Thank you for the comment and I think I still have a long way to become a good writer, haha.
Unknown said…
Ohh. I see. I just read it. But I still can't find out how Chelly's face looks like. It made me curious!! Lol. Btw, are you also a fan of GC? :O

Ohh! I thought there isn't any uniform in Malaysia. Hahaha.

Really! Your blog is enjoyable to read. Sorry for my bad English D:
June - ♥ said…
Hahaha, it's a pain for all EGOIST/Supercell fans because no one knows their faces. I attended EGOIST's first concert and even then she did not reveal her face. So it will always be a mystery.

Yes, I did enjoy GC but Inori was the main reason.

Ohhh, I'm happy that I get readers from other countries, haha. But you're speaking absolutely fine so no worries! Thank you for the comments!
Unknown said…
Ohh. That's too bad. But I think one day we'll be able to see their faces!

Ohh. But Inori died in the end Dx. They should make GC season 2 or remake the ending!

Btw, why it seems that you like Inori so much? XD
June - ♥ said…
Hahah, some stories are meant to end that way. I don't mind sad endings anyway.

I really like Inori's character design which is by redjuice and because of Mana she isn't entirely the good guy so it's interesting to watch a character struggling with troubles.

If Inori never saved Shu it will be romantic if they died together but she loves him and saves him after all, so it's alright, it's her way express her love. :3

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