
Showing posts from November, 2012

Nine Days of SPM.

Yes, it's finally over. SPM is over, well at least for me. I wanna change the layout/template of my blog. How many years have my readers stared at pink words with the white background blinding their eyes. Yes, I'll do something soon. Hey Peachie, I just wanna say your cover on Planetes is the best I ever heard. Even the covers in YouTube can't beat yours. --- Nine days I had returned to school while the other students are in the middle of their holidays. Nine days had I looked at questions papers and squeezed my brain juice out. Nine days. It didn't feel long or short. We even had a week of rest in the middle, if not I could finish up the whole thing in three weeks. A lot of my Singaporeans friends are surprised that my exams lasted for one month. The first day was definitely a shock for me. The questions they asked was different from the years before. Well of course, they're never the same but they asked something that no one will expect.


Seven subjects down, two more subjects to go. I can't believe that the school closes its canteen even though there are still students going to school. There are those days when we have to stay until as late as 4.30PM and if there's no food selling in the canteen what we poor starving children are going to eat? I know it's only Form 5 students but we're actually giving the school to earn extra money. Since our school use OUR money for useless things like painting the stairs, setting up LCD TVs where nobody will watch and more painting of useless things and decorating the toilets, it's good for them that we give more money, right? Blargh, I'm just disappointed because I was starving after each paper today and the food sold there was limited. --- As psychotic as it sounds, it's actually an anime. I introduced mangas in the past before and the only anime I introduced in my blog is Guilty Crown. But I'm willing to introduce the anime Psycho-P

Departures ~A Love Song Sent to You~

If separations were meant to be sad, why is there a 'good' in 'goodbye'? I guess everyone is already aware that I like Inori Yuzuriha very much. EGOIST is releasing another single at the 5th of December and I'm looking forward hearing Chelly's voice again. Hopefully, YouTube doesn't bring down the videos because of copyrights thingy. Now, there isn't a single video of Planetes without the editing of the pitches. Luckily, I download the whole song before it was gone for good. --- I departed. In the chilly night, when the sun had long gone and the moon shined its light on the dark earth. Mist formed under my breath as I quicken my pace towards the night, away from the building where all the warmth exist. As I half ran, the snowflakes from the skies fell upon my shoulders and followed me wherever I bought them. It was in the middle of the night, and everyone was already deep in slumber. I left when everyone least expected, but actua


-insert sigh here- I'm beginning to think that my presence in people's lives are there but close to the level of invisible. I think even my blog has more recognition than me.  According to statistics, people came to my blog to read about Guilty Crown. I guess I did introduced the anime but not really thoroughly so I'm guilty if I ever disappoint those people. Kyahahaha, it's so cute. Many times, people couldn't recognize me from my Facebook profile. I don't blame them, because I guess I do look different in real life compared to my profile picture. Most students have no clue who I am because they couldn't recognize me from the photo where I usually put my hair down. I tie my hair up in school. Also, I never put my real name there so yeah, you can blame me. -insert sob here- And really, it happened so many times already that I didn't want to add people anymore (and including the reason I'm lazy) because there are chances I have to intro

Thoughts Before SPM.

Hi Seru (Not your real name). You should be proud and honored I'm dedicating a small part of this post for you. I even wrote this on the top so everyone can see it. I don't even know if you'll be reading this. For those who don't know who is Seru,  he is a handsome owl. He is awesome but he is also evil. Keyboard and big ass lollipop! \(  ̄  v   ̄ )/ Hoot hoot. I'm glad I had a friend like you. Imma blind your eyes. --- While everyone is freaking about the BM paper tomorrow, my mood is now as calm as a river while I'm blogging this. Am I well prepared? No. But no, I'm not freaking out. If I was, you wouldn't even be able to read this post. Some how I just imagined my BM teacher's voice in my head, asking why am I still here. Pn.Thye is seriously the best BM teacher out there. My mom just asked me, 'Are you ready for tomorrow?' Before I could reply, she answered herself with a 'Yes.' So if you say a mother knows best, y

2nd of November - Last Year of School.

Introducing YGEntertainment's newest addtion,  Lee Hi or her real name, Lee Ha Yi. She entered a competition, K-POP Star and ended up as the first runner up. Yang Hyun Suk, YG's CEO was the the judge at that show was impressed by her born talent and invited her into the company. She was only 16 she released her first single debut ''.  In only days, the video gained millions of views. Please go and take a look at the MV at YouTube and be blown away. No doubt, her voice is amazing. People even called her the korean Adele. I was really surprised because she's younger than me, but she looks really mature, her voice too. However, she never received training before and YG didn't really gave her either. In the MV, you can see Lee Hi is kinda stiff in expressions and body movement. That's because Yang Hyun Suk said he wanted her to be herself. She's a newbie, but I think she's amazing. I only realized that she sung '