2nd of November - Last Year of School.

Introducing YGEntertainment's newest addtion, 
Lee Hi or her real name, Lee Ha Yi.

She entered a competition, K-POP Star and ended up as the first runner up. Yang Hyun Suk, YG's CEO was the the judge at that show was impressed by her born talent and invited her into the company. She was only 16 she released her first single debut ''. In only days, the video gained millions of views.

Please go and take a look at the MV at YouTube and be blown away.

No doubt, her voice is amazing. People even called her the korean Adele. I was really surprised because she's younger than me, but she looks really mature, her voice too.

However, she never received training before and YG didn't really gave her either. In the MV, you can see Lee Hi is kinda stiff in expressions and body movement. That's because Yang Hyun Suk said he wanted her to be herself. She's a newbie, but I think she's amazing.

I only realized that she sung 'It's Cold' with Epik High. Her voice is gaaaaahh. I really look forward to hear her more. YG THE BESTTT.


Haha, I love this picture. Thanks Kaya and ChiJing's camera :D

Clearly, I changed the font I'm using because I don't know, I like this more? Used to use this font a lot last time.

Anyway, it isn't really the last day I'm going to school. I still have to go back for another nine days, and that's until the 27th of November. Then, I will never go back as a secondary school student anymore.

You might think tears will be shed and emotions will run high but nah, it's not like that, at least for me. The only one crying was a teacher and she's pretty emotional if you ask me. Yeah, I never cried when I'm leaving school.

The only ones arriving school today are the Form 5s, as they have to take their exam slip in order to sit for the SPM examinations. They had the Majlis Restu, an event where the candidates receive blessings from the teachers.
It's weird to see the school so empty.

We were then separated into different groups according to our candidate numbers and I was slotted into the second class. I wasn't with my most of my 5B classmates and that saddens me. But it wasn't like I was alone, so it's okay.

The teachers then began to do their usual routine (screaming, shouting, scolding, demanding, ordering students). We had to chose the better tables and move the ones that aren't really in a good condition. It was tough work and I am aware that I wasn't strong as before. I'm glad I was wearing my PJ shirt.

After arranging 25 tables in the classroom, the teachers left. Then began the photo sessions between students. We're constantly moving from one class to another, asking friends to take pictures together. My class was the most noisiest, unlike some other classes where people who are actually studying.

This group of people is awesome. They kept taking photos.

I took some photos too, but I didn't really took with all the people I know. It was fun I guess, running around and taking pictures with students. No, I do not think it's the last time we'll meet so, yeah.

The recess bell rang and everyone head towards the canteen. More pictures were taken. I bought wedges and still I never thought that it's gonna be the last time I'll be eating my school's canteen food. It just doesn't bug me like that.

I see people posting statuses or tweeting something like, 'It's my last year as a secondary student.', 'I'm gonna miss this school.', 'This would be the last time I'm having an assembly.' But no, I have no thoughts of that. Am I weird that I actually look forward to get out there? More like, I want to put all these things behind me.

Gah, some people even stated things like 'It would be my last PJK exam paper.' Why would you miss exams?

Anyway, after the bell rang we went to the hall where the Majlis Restu will be held. We sat according to our class and I sat waaaay at the back because I was late watching my friend eat. Gosh, I'm hungry now.

Yes, watching her eat.

When the event began, the usual greetings and speeches are given and I'm definitely not going to miss these things. I was almost falling asleep. Revising History doesn't help much under these situations. So I drew for Kaya.

Blah, fast forward till 12:30PM. School is dismissed but 5B is having a party using our class' funds. The boys went to pick up the pizza (they know how to drive, yay) while we changed into our class T-shirt.

After the food arrived, it was gone almost instantly. Everyone was hungry. I'M HUNGRY NOW TOO. More pictures are taken, this time with two teachers. It was okay, I love pizza. Then, just like the pizza, everyone went home and disappeared.

It rained and the wind was blowing while I was waiting for my mother to fetch me.

Gah, I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for this year. It had been wonderful being with you guys. Hope you guys will do well after leaving school.

More pictures can be browsed in my Facebook. If you're not my friend in Facebook then .. nevermind.

The skies were pretty that day.


I still don't know what to do with my life.

My father (Hi dad, I love you.) talked to me through Skype and asked what would I plan to do after I finish my SPM. Like what I just said, I really don't know.

My friend in Singapore (HI SERUUU YOU MIGHT BE READING THIS) asked me to go there and I'm really interested, partly because I wanted to do something  like escaping. How do you say this.

Then, I thought how my decision would bring result in a big effect on me and my family's lives. It is crucial and it will determine my future. Then this is where I will be super confused and frustrated and I'm back to square one.

I don't know what to do with my life.


I'm actually surprised people come across my blog through Google. What the hell are you guys googling about?


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