Thoughts Before SPM.

Hi Seru (Not your real name).
You should be proud and honored I'm dedicating a small part of this post for you. I even wrote this on the top so everyone can see it.
I don't even know if you'll be reading this.
For those who don't know who is Seru, he is a handsome owl.
He is awesome but he is also evil.
Keyboard and big ass lollipop! \( ̄ )/
Hoot hoot.
I'm glad I had a friend like you.
Imma blind your eyes.


While everyone is freaking about the BM paper tomorrow, my mood is now as calm as a river while I'm blogging this.

Am I well prepared? No. But no, I'm not freaking out. If I was, you wouldn't even be able to read this post. Some how I just imagined my BM teacher's voice in my head, asking why am I still here.

Pn.Thye is seriously the best BM teacher out there.

My mom just asked me, 'Are you ready for tomorrow?' Before I could reply, she answered herself with a 'Yes.' So if you say a mother knows best, yeah, I'm ready.

I don't feel like listening to upbeat music now. So I'm listening to Inori singing. Her voice is heavenly.

Is everyone seriously going to sleep this early?

I just had tuition of five hours today. I dozed off at the last hour of History. I think I would disappoint my teacher if I can't get an A. But then, maybe I would never see him again.

Why is our exam slip a friggin A4 size? So inconvenient.

In the class where I'll be taking my exams, my seat is near the wall. I guess it's better when I'm taking UPSR or PMR.

Wow, this will be the last major examination I will taking. It just hit me just now. Feeling a little bit empty inside now. Maybe because I'm listening to Planetes. A little sad, probably because I'm not totally ready.

Screw it. Thanks a lot Inori, for making me feeling emotional.

Nervous? Maybe I'll feel it tomorrow.

It's 10:07 by the time I'm typing this.

I feel like flying. Or maybe bungee jumping. Sky diving maybe?

Should I feel regret? Maybe ten years later, I will be sitting on a desk thinking about my teenage days. Or maybe rereading my blog and thinking how childish I am back then. Hopefully I won't cry then.

Listening to epic music introduced by Rimuzeh.

I guess everything will come to an end one day.


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