General Elections 2013.

I just finished reading Air Gear and I enjoyed it a lot, though it takes a lot of understanding of Physics. No, I won't read the whole page filled about how the Air Trecks or Regalias work.

Though Oh! Great concluded the manga nicely, I'm kinda sad that it ended. Air Gear is so underrated and perhaps they should continue the anime so lazy people can finish up the story. Despite the many scenes of naked girls (not interested \o/), I really admire the (awesome, awesome, awesome) art and action scenes.

Not only the story is original, it's unpredictable and realistic. Though, it's kinda unbelievable that a mere middle-school kid managed to conquer the skies. Of course, Air Gear is also awesome because there's Kazu-sama.


It had been five years since the last general elections, and it's finally nearing.

Since I was born, three elections had been held. I wasn't old enough to know what going on the first, still innocent to know the second, got an idea what was happening on the third, and about to experience the fourth as a bystander.

I'm not even 18 yet so clearly I can't give my vote to any parties (You have to be 21 to be able to register and vote).

To me, politics is dirty. It doesn't matter what party you're talking about, nothing is nice about it. But elections must be held as Malaysia is a democratic country. It doesn't matter who wins and who will run the government, there will be people who will oppose your ways. That's why it's never easy to be a leader.

Our country had been under the same government since our independence, and a lot of people are saying that this is the time to change because the opposition was close to winning on the last election. I still believe it's impossible because the government has lots of supporters. And like I said, politics is dirty, there's always something up into their sleeves.

Banners, flags of different flags and even advertisements have been put up lately. And they have increased a lot, way more than the previous elections. Heck, I lived in my area for more than a decade and it's the first time they put up flags so near my house. I personally think it's a waste of money and energy.

If you have a party in your heart, all the propaganda and flags won't waver your decision. And it's not like the flags and banners represent a party's area. You can see up to three parties' flag in one area, flapping everywhere along with the wind, distracting people.

It's not like you'll vote for the blue flag with scales, and change you mind after you see the green flag with a white circle, and standing there later thinking if you should vote for the red rocket.

One thing I can't deny is, the government is clearly afraid. Ever since they nearly lost, they have been delaying the date of the current elections. And for the first time in my life, they put up advertisement in newspapers bad mouthing the oppositions!

I mean, if I am certain that I will win, I'll just go for an all kill. Why should I bother with small fries to the point of saying nasty things.

Elections are held for the citizens to choose who that will lead the country, but how do we know which is best for us? I think there is no (there won't be) one person in Malaysia who is open minded enough to understand each and every party. We will always be one-sided.

Probably because of our race, because of our family who raised us, we will think a certain party is the best. It's all about influence. Once, I had to perform at a certain party's talk and by just hearing their speech, I was brainwashed. Politics is deadly.

There will be no end to the battles of election in Malaysia, and I think one of the many reasons is because our country is multi-racial. Even though our sixth Prime Minister had came up with programme SatuMalaysia (emphasizing ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance.), I personally think it's not working and impossible. 

Other countries admire us Malaysians for living together in harmony, but are we? Perhaps we managed to avoid wars among ourselves, but are ALL citizens of Malaysia are able to clear racism in our mind? I think not, there will still be selfishness deep in our hearts.

Maybe the programme is not fully successful yet because there's people like me, heee.

As a teenager in Malaysia, who may not be mature and experience to know what is going on the world, I wish a third party will conquer our country again. Though they might put us in labour work, order us to do the dirty jobs, make our lives miserable and probably kill our fellow people, they will treat us fairly.

I take my words back, I don't want to fall into the hands of an enemy, but I wish someone will government our country fairly with no extra benefits for any race.

Anyway, polling starts the fifth of May and the results will decide the fate of Malaysia. I wish things will end soon because all these shits are really disturbing. I'm also anticipating the results of this election.


I don't remember from what book by Cecelia Ahern this quote was from but I remember when I read that sentence, I immediately tweeted it. I have never really experienced a silent heart break before (for me it's a lot of crying and hearing myself screaming), but the way she describes it sounds so .. beautiful.



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