I'm On My Way.

March ended and now it's the first of April. Automatically, it's April Fool's Day. I'll be hiding in my home so there are no chances of me being fooled.

After living for seventeen years, I had come to my senses that this day is totally worthless. People would probably enjoy if you're gonna trick someone but probably it isn't fun being the victim. And the process of fooling someone is too, energy-draining for me.

For an example, a person covers the victim's car with toilet paper. He will certainly take some time to do so, probably under the sun where the victim parked the car. And then not realizing that he's actually killing trees in the process. And it will be a waste after the prank is done.

*shakes head*

Am I being too serious.


Hmm, close friends and relatives would already know that exactly one week from today, I'll be heading to Tokyo, Japan. Anyway, I decided to write it here because I don'tknowwhattowriteanymore.

I can finally sing Puffy Ami Yumi's 'Tokyo, I'm On My Way'.

Well, why am I going to Japan? Because my mom lost a bet. Yes. It had always been my dream to go to Japan and I'm wanted my first step on Japan to be Tokyo. The bet took place when I was in Form 3, getting  ready for my PMR examination. My mom told me if I could get 7As out of 8, I get a trip to Japan.

And so I did. She really never expected me to score that well. I doubt I could do so if the bet was during my SPM examination.

Anyway, I'm thankful for my parents for planning the trip for me. They're the only ones that'll be following me. And I'm grateful that the awesome Japan exists.

Well, I'm really excited for the trip and there are things I'm expecting to experience when I'm there. I think I'm looking forward to their culture and definitely their food. I'm kinda worried if I had a taste of their fresh seafood there, I wouldn't like the seafood in Malaysia anymore. That's what happened to my dad after he worked at the sea where he ate fishes freshly caught there.

Another thing would be the cherry blossoms there. It's already spring and the sakuras are the main attraction in Tokyo. Unfortunately, the cherry blossoms in Tokyo have already fully blossomed weeks earlier than my trip. The chances of me seeing them at Tokyo will be probably close to zero. So my mom and I are betting on our luck to see the sakuras at the area near Mount Fuji, where it is colder so probably the flowers have not blossomed, yet.

This year the sakuras had blossomed earlier than normal and it was recorded as the second earliest in 20(?) years in Japan. Well, I do hope I get to see them but I'm already prepared if there isn't. Because things like that are unpredictable and I'm sure there are other tourists like me who missed the chance. *grins*

I guess I'm wanna see how polite the Japaneses are. And how clean the city is. And how convenient things there are. How modern the country is. How the people there speak Japanese. How how how how I don't know I'll tell you when I get back.

Hmm, I'm kinda worried that I'll be leaving my second brother behind. I'll be lonely without him but I don't know if it works the other way. And I'll miss my bed.

Well, we'll see.


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