Pains of Being a Woman.

I woke up a little before 6:30AM today. I followed my mom and was going to the airport to fetch one of her sisters before going back to my hometown, Malacca. I was brushing my teeth when I suddenly thought that a year ago, I was exactly where I was, preparing to go to school.

Then, I allowed myself to imagine to be in a situation where I'm still going to school. Immediately, a dreadful feeling came over me. I stopped what I was doing and regretted almost at once.

Without any effort, I imagined myself going to school later. I imagined that I had to sit on the hard floor of our school. I imagined that I haven't finished my homework. That I have to face unsympathetic teachers and their nonstop lectures. Imagine that I still couldn't understand one of the chapters. It was a dreadful two minutes in the bathroom.

I'm really glad I'm out of secondary school life. At least for now. I don't know how colleges or universities might be, but I don't think things are going to get easy.

For now, I'm glad I can sleep as much as I want.


Now, I'm about to share something that not everyone on this earth will understand or experience. However, it is a common fate among humans, or more specifically, women. But then the title already gave it away, huh?

Well, I'm talking about the cruel fate that was given to the females, creatures with ovaries. If there's one thing I'd the power to change about us females, it is to get rid of the menstrual cycle in our female body system. Or give it to the guys. since they're the stronger ones. No, what I'm talking about. Hmm.

So yeah, I had always hesitated to post about menstrual cycles because I don't know how my readers will react. The girls might nod in agreement (or not) and the boys might go 'EWW!' or 'Ooh.' or close the tab to my blog. Well, fear not I'm not gonna post anything about blood.

The menstrual cycle is every normal female must go through and something guys will never understand. Yes, even if you're a guy and you have six sisters and got married to a lady and have ten daughters, you'll never, ever, fully understand the pain and troubles of it.

So it was day one of my menstrual cycle. It was normally this day that I experience menstrual pain. And it always occurred in the afternoon, I don't know why. I wasn't experience any pain but I was tired so I went to my room to have a nap. I woke up an hour later and I felt discomfort. Ugh, and I expected the worst.

You will often hear girls experiencing stomachaches during their period but it's actually the strong contractions of of the uterus. And the pain isn't your normal pain, it's more like pain, discomfort and just plain annoying at the same time.

Well, every girl is different so I guess there are some who don't have it bad like me. And it's not like I experience pain every month, but they have became frequent recently. Normally, I experience pain at the area around my stomach and the feeling of sore muscles at my thighs. One word to say it all, terrible.

When experiencing menstrual pain, there isn't one comfortable position in this world you can be in for five minutes. You'll keep changing the way you stand/sit/lie. In most of my situations, I'm already K.O-ed on my bed, rolling and rolling and rolling.

Gah, and it's not like the pain is always there. One moment you feel strong pains and soon it will cease and then it will just come back, sometimes more painful than the last. They're like waves coming at you, hitting you and then drawing back and then hitting you again.

Anyway, I was in a miserable state. I couldn't really stand the pain much longer. I only know that I'll feel better after I sleep. But with the pain keep coming, I really wonder when it will end and if I'm able to just sleep through it. Minutes or even seconds are torture for me.

With the pain keep attacking you, it's just as chaotic as it is in your mind. I can't stay calm when I'm experience menstrual pain. I keep thinking stuffs, normally flashbacks of things I have done and in between, lots of 'ouch'.

I grabbed my phone and called my brother, who was just outside my room. I can't stand or even sit up, so I asked him to help me to get some pain killers. He came in worried (I love my brother.) and helped me to put the pain killers into my water bottle to let it dissolve.

He left after that and I immediately thought it was wrong idea. My bottle was now filled with panadol water. I just needed a cup but I have one litre of it now. I kept whispering to myself, 'Too much.. Too much..'

But there was another problem. Normally after I consume pain killers, I'll get dizzy (because I have to sit up from lying down) and I will just vomit them back out. I lay on bed for some time thinking what I should do and sat up eventually. I felt nauseatic like usual so I decided to not to consume the panadol water first. I decided to go to the toilet first.

I lifted myself up from my bed with my all my strength but probably stood for only half a second. My legs were just like jelly and gave way, making me falling back on my bed. When I sprained my foot, only my foot was weak until I couldn't stand straight. But this was my whole legs from thighs to toes, with zero strength. I had to support myself by leaning on the walls. But I got better after a while and made it to the toilet safely.

Sure enough, I vomited out my lunch. I think I felt only a little better. My stomach still hurt and I still felt weak. I made my way back to room and drank the panadol water. I only had two sips because .. I don't know. I lay back on my bed and rolled some more.

I tried to convince myself that I was getting better but truthfully, I don't know. I don't even know when I finally fell asleep. When I woke up, my mind was finally clear and the pain was gone. I could think straight again and glad that I was alive. Yeah, I kinda thought I was gonna die.

And so it the pain ends but soon another month will arrive and I might experience it again. Haih, I don't know what I should do to ease the pain. Bee pollen aren't effective for me so I guess I'll have to take supplements. And maybe I'm not exercising much like how I used to.

Ahh, the agony of being a female.


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