Ballet Illuminations.

Absorb Shinya's handsomeness now as much as you can, yes.

Psycho-Pass ended weeks ago. It was 22 episodes long and I enjoyed every second of it. It was too bad that it wasn't long enough to reach the ending that I desire but oh well, some stories require your own imagination for the ending.

The character that I will miss most is Makishima (OMG NOT KOGAMI!?). Yes, he was cruel but his logic makes sense (especially in the era of the Sibyl System)  and his charisma just simply captivating. His evil deeds are just a way to express his distaste of the system. Oh, I do support Makishima. I don't mind him digging my eyeballs out.


With the ending of Psycho-Pass, along with the disappearance of some characters, the roles are switched within the Ministry of Welfare Public Safety Bureau. I certainly hope for a second season as I see new faces among the Enforcers. And I really do wish for the fall of the Sibyl System by the hands of Akane. Also, I wouldn't mind if Kogami came back as a good guy or a villain.


Hmm, normally people will say 'T.G.I.F!' on Fridays but I'm not among them. It's because I have a four hour dance class awaiting for me at every Friday. Well, I already got used to it so it's okay.

The 6th of April is a little different from the usual Fridays because I had to attend class from 3:30PM, watch a performance by the Singapore Dance Theatre (SDT) at 8:30PM and reached home at midnight. I had no time to rest as I went to KLPac to watch the performance right after my class.

I didn't even have dinner and couldn't take any shower until I arrived at home. *sobcrysob*

Ahh, the performance presented by the SDT was Ballet Illuminations which consists four different pieces of dance - Paquita, Zin!, Organ Concerto and Jabula.

The first performance was Paquita, the only classical Ballet piece presented. As the dancers ran out to the stage, I couldn't help to imagine them as ladybugs because of their costumes, that is red tutus with black patches of Idon'tknowwhat on the tutus.

I had seen Paquita performed by another dance company before so I couldn't help but to compare both of them. The dancers weren't exactly in sync and I don't know, they didn't look like they had much expressions when they performed. I saw some dancers wobbled and even like kinda fall from their jumps or pirouettes.

During the performance I kept remembering a Japanese girl in the Paquita that I saw before this. She was a reaaaaally good Ballet dancer with a bright smile.

The next performance was Zin! which is a contemporary piece. It's an upbeat and lively piece which has very creative choreography. The dancers wore athletically and each had a whistle with them to blow along with the music. I really enjoyed it although it was only 10 minutes. I think they repeated the song for two times.. Nevertheless, it was my favourite piece of the night.

After a 15 minutes break, Organ Concerto was up next. The piece began with a loud note of the organ instrument that sounded like the Phantom of the Opera, but it was only just one note. Then, twelve couples dressed in black rushed onto the stage. It isn't classical Ballet and looked more like contemporary but the girls wore pointe shoes.

The grim mood presented by music and the way the dancers dressed just reminds me of death. The way the girls traveled across the stage with couru looked like ghosts and the way the men carried the girls upside down looked like corpses. I'm sorry that I don't know what they're trying to express and how to appreciate it. OTL

Jabula, which means 'joy' in African was the last piece of the night. At the beginning, half-naked five men entered from the curtains right in the center with a giant orange spotlight at the back, which makes them look like they came walking from the sunset. I was sitting in the middle and it blinded me, not just once.

The music was like African tribal music with strong vocals and I guess it was beautiful. There was also pas de deux even if it's not classical Ballet. And so everything ended at 11PM.

Hurraaaay, I went home.


I appreciate the silence of being a loner.


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