
Showing posts from June, 2013

A Different Environment.

I've said this before. I'm still getting used to the classes I'm attending under a different Ballet teacher. I guess you could say things are getting better and I've sorta know how things are going on. But under the guidance of my previous teacher of 13 years, it's hard to blend in right away. I haven't been close to any new classmates because I don't talk to people. I just don't find the need to talk during classes even when I was young. And personally I think I look 'unapproachable' because I not talkative like other girls and I'm just that. Unsociable. This is probably how people think of me. Anyways, different teachers have different ways of teaching. One of the most obvious difference is the dance style. My previous teacher was more of the Adage style and the teacher who's teaching me is .. I don't know what style she has. Anyway, it's just very different. Another thing is the dance rhythm and timing. I'm

Shattered Hearts.

People often say 'He got his heart broken' or 'My heart shattered', but the human heart can't be broken down like glass. They stop functioning and decompose. Well, that isn't the point. It's called as heart break it does feel like your heart breaking. Into a million pieces. And yeah, it does hurt. A lot, in fact. Now before you assume anything, I'm not heart broken. I'm perfectly fine. It's just that people around me have been feeling not-so-well and you know, their heart got broken and yeaaaah. I do not think heart breaks can be limited to only problems like love. It can be a issue about friendship, or a receiving a devastating news like death of a relative, or maybe someone stabbed you in the heart. No, cross out the last possibility. But most of the time, your heart breaks because of love. Damn you, love. We hate you. A guy loves a girl but she's a pain in the ass. She's sensitive and super hard to deal wi

Happy Daddy's Day.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. I see people posting sweet messages for their fathers and sharing pictures of them and their dad. Well, I can't do that because my dad's working overseas and yeah. According to my mom, he was overseas too when she gave birth to me. My dad is an awesome guy. Seriously, I have friends telling me that my dad is cool. While he looks quiet from the outside, he's a fun guy when he's with his family. My mom says that my dad was never that humorous around her but me and my brother would just laaauuggghh our heads off with my dad. And yeah, I like to talk to my dad about anything. Sometimes we would talk about science while having dinner because only me and my dad have studied Biology before. And my dad is just as random as me. He's older than me but he has his childish side too. Not everyone's dad goes all the way to Tokyo to point at a plank of wood. I was looking for a picture of me and my dad and I r


I'd never blown candles on every birthday so  that probably makes me six years old now. So yeah, it was my birthday yesterday and I'm officially 18 now. I can now drink alcohol, smoke and watch violent movies legally. But I'm not going to do all that, well except violent movies, I'd seen enough violent graphics while my brother is playing games .. Anyway, I'm not the kind that celebrates birthdays or throw parties or wanted to be showered by gifts. To me, if I do that it feels like we're all celebrating because I'm closer to death each year. I'm a very negative person, ain't I? Hmm. Well, I'm just happy that my father have been sending me text messages counting down days before my birthday, and there are friends who wished me the moment the clock stroked 12. Yeah, I'm grateful for all that. I didn't get lots of birthday wishes this year because I hid my birth date from my timeline in Facebook. Partly because I'm lazy to r

i-City Water Park & Trick Art Museum.

So there was an offer given by i-City and the price entrance to their water park was cheap so my mom decided to take the offer. But actually, she just wanted to take a look at their trick art museum. It was a sunny Saturday when me, my mother and my brothers went to i-City. i-City isn't really popular as Sunway, because the last time they made an advertisement about their Snowalk was like years ago. Like, really, really long ago. After that it was completely erased from my mind until my mom mentioned it. And I even when like, 'What i-City?' Even getting there was difficult as there wasn't enough signs. We missed the entrance once because their i-City signboard was so small and looked very old. Anyway we were just glad we finally arrived at our destination. It's been years since I been to a water park so I was pretty excited. After redeeming our tickets we went into the water park. Well, it looked okay from the entrance but it was actually a very sma


Lately, I haven't been a good mood because I'm pissed off whenever I see certain things. Like how I get pissed off when I see people tweet stupid things, or flood my timeline with stupid love messages or posts unnecessary photos, or using incorrect English. And I feel kinda sad because I feel like a bad person because I think I'm surrounded by idiots. I'm not perfect but Malaysians should really brush up their English. Even children in Singapore five years younger than us can probably speak better English. I can't take it anymore. --- I am a fan of EGOIST and I love Chelly's voice. I think it's sad that admins of EGOIST fanpages can't even get facts right about the band. Once again, I'm pissed off. I should really control myself, hmm. No, people should do more research and act smarter. That's what I do when I don't understand something, I ask my friend Google. I think there are people who don't really know about

16th TDS Finals.

Fear not, for the storm inside me has calmed down. I am now using the iPhone without having the urge to break it in half anymore. In fact, I can't look at my Android phone anymore because the screen is not as clear as the iPhone. I'm not a phone geek, so I don't care. --- Every year The Dance Society of Malaysia organizes a classical Ballet competition for students and even adults to participate. It's something to look forward this year to because my dance academy had sent 15 (I think) students to try to dance their way into the finals. Unlike the previous years, this year's location was at the Temple of Fine Arts. I prefer the old stage though, it looks better. My academy provided transport, and since there was so many of our students participating, I had to go. Well, because I wanted to see them dance too. I participated in the competition before, it was three years ago when I was 14 (not past my birthday). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to enter th