Happy Daddy's Day.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.

I see people posting sweet messages for their fathers and sharing pictures of them and their dad. Well, I can't do that because my dad's working overseas and yeah. According to my mom, he was overseas too when she gave birth to me.

My dad is an awesome guy. Seriously, I have friends telling me that my dad is cool. While he looks quiet from the outside, he's a fun guy when he's with his family. My mom says that my dad was never that humorous around her but me and my brother would just laaauuggghh our heads off with my dad.

And yeah, I like to talk to my dad about anything. Sometimes we would talk about science while having dinner because only me and my dad have studied Biology before. And my dad is just as random as me. He's older than me but he has his childish side too.

Not everyone's dad goes all the way to Tokyo to point at a plank of wood.

I was looking for a picture of me and my dad and I realized that I haven't been taking pictures with my dad. It saddens me. SORRY DADDY LET'S TAKE MORE PICTURES TOGETHER.

Fact about my dad : He's the earliest follower of my blog and he's still reading. ♥

Though my dad wasn't always around but he still raised us to what are we today. My dad's a hard working man and he sacrifices his family time so we can live a comfortable life. He pampers his wife and his kids but never buys things for himself. Sometimes he would just ask me to buy a new phone or something but I'll always say no.

I remember a few things that my dad would say, like 'Bear the pain', 'As long as you just try your best', '... When you're 13', 'Turn off the lights before you leave the room' and 'Babooji'. Hmm, yeah. Wise words.

Anyway, I love my dad a lot (I love my mom, too) and he's the best. I couldn't ask for anything better than my dad. I don't know what to say anymore, he's the best. Yeap, the best.

Hey dad, thanks for being there for all of us. I'm sorry if I ever disappointed you and made you worry. I'll try to be a good daughter. I love youuuu!


I know I have people reading my blog and I'll like to thank some of them.

- Dad. My number one follower.

- ICE. I think you really went and read my really old posts and you'll always tell me to update my blog. Thank you T_T

- Seru. HAI SERUUUUU. I wonder how you are doing now. I think I'm improving in BB. Thank you for being awesome.

- Calvin. Newest follower of my blog. Friends since 2009. Thank you for correcting my English. (Lazy to correct them, though)


It took me ten whole years to finally warm up with my previous classmates (Do you call them classmates?) in Ballet lessons. YES, ten freaking years before I could talk to them comfortably and making conversations last more than five minutes. Now that I'm in another class under a different teacher with a bunch of students that I don't really know, I think it might take another ten years.

By that time I'll be 28 years old and I think I will have finished the RAD syllabus or have already given up. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm even able to pass Advanced 2. But anyway, I'm still trying to get used to the new teacher.

I wasn't informed twice about the changed of timetables and it seriously pissed me off. On the first day I was late 30 minutes and they told me about the changes on that day only. The girl said she didn't have my number so she couldn't notify me. AND THEN WHAT DO YOU KNOW on the second lesson me and my friend was late for 30 minutes. I was there on the first day and you didn't even tell me!? You don't have my number but you do have my Facebook, right?

Honestly, I respect all teachers in DS but I feel that the teacher isn't really responsible enough. My parents are paying extremely expensive fees for this and you're making me miss an hour worth of class. I guess I know why I'm not really happy to communicate with these kind of people .. *sigh*

^I'm not even trying to hide the subtitles^

Nah, I'll finish the syllabus before talking to anyone. AND YOU ASK ME WHY I'M ANTI-SOCIAL. BecauseIhavetodealwithstupidselfishpeople.


Chai said…
Love you just the way you are

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