A Different Environment.

I've said this before. I'm still getting used to the classes I'm attending under a different Ballet teacher. I guess you could say things are getting better and I've sorta know how things are going on. But under the guidance of my previous teacher of 13 years, it's hard to blend in right away.

I haven't been close to any new classmates because I don't talk to people. I just don't find the need to talk during classes even when I was young. And personally I think I look 'unapproachable' because I not talkative like other girls and I'm just that. Unsociable.

This is probably how people think of me.

Anyways, different teachers have different ways of teaching. One of the most obvious difference is the dance style. My previous teacher was more of the Adage style and the teacher who's teaching me is .. I don't know what style she has. Anyway, it's just very different.

Another thing is the dance rhythm and timing. I'm currently attending classes based on Advanced 1 syllabus which I have already learnt more than a year ago and I'm used to everything my teacher has taught. Most of the time the girls went faster and I'm probably a beat slower but it's because I'm following the correct timing based on the syllabus.

Or maybe it's just me thinking I'm right. So I was pretty stubborn going ahead with my own timing (because I believe in my previous teacher!) while the other girls are already doing their battus and I land on the ground half a second later.

So I have noticed something that I don't see very often in my old classes. My previous teacher has always concentrated on our techniques and usage of our muscles so we aren't really expressive when we dance. In other words, we don't smile when we dance. Unless we're reminded to, and we'll forget about smiling after two songs.

The girls in my class now are always smiling all the way from the start to the end of the class. From barre work to center work to pirouette to adage to allegro. SMILING. No, I can't do that. One, because I'm not used to smiling and two, I'm focusing on dancing rather than presentation.

So most of the time my face appears to be gloomy and the teacher will ask me to try to 'shine' a bit more. I'm still trying to find a reason to smile.

My previous teacher has been teaching me since I was only five so she knows how we think and how to deal with us. And I have gotten used to her and I have no problem understanding what she wants. Now that I'm learning from another teacher, we aren't really on the same wavelength.

I can see my current teacher is trying to communicate with me in terms that I understand. Since most Ballet teachers know that I draw, she began talking to me by relating Ballet and art. Well, I appreciate the effort she's giving out to communicate with me, so I'll try my best too.

I'm still having trouble trying to hear my teacher has to say. Unlike my previous teacher, she speaks softly and only yells when she demands something. Most of the time I can't hear what exercise she had mentioned and only know what is going on after the music is played.

And then I'll go like 'Huh?' when she speaks to be and she has to raise her voice a little louder. I don't know how her students can hear her. And by the time class was about to end, I'll get tired so I don't absorb most of the things in my head. When people speak and I feel tired, I'll just treat them as noises.

Another thing that I think I'll never get used to is the amount of people in one single class. I know this teacher teaches a lot students all from different grades but really, it's hard to dance when there's so many students even when we're using the largest studio.

I've bumped into the walls for not once or twice when I'm dancing, especially during fouette turns. I just can't dance when there's not much space. I've hit people's arms and legs countless times too. I just don't get how they can deal with limited space.

Bleh, I have no choice but to move on since I've already register for the Advanced 1 examinations. Now my teacher wants to attend four classes because I'm not used to her teachings. I don't really mind because I'm not back into shape and by the time we reach the allegro section I'm exhausted. There isn't much time left.

This is how I look like after almost every class.


Haze has invaded my area since yesterday and yeah, it's pretty bad. Not as bad as Johor or Singapore, though. Malaysia haven't seen haze like these since 2005, when I'm primary school.

I have been staying indoors lately but I went out yesterday with my family and it's like the world is covered with powder floating in the air. The haze has been reached to the degree that it is declared as 'unhealthy'. So rather than fighting the haze with masks, it's better to stay indoors.

Last night I had rashes similar to like when I have allergic reaction and my mom says it's because of the haze, but I'm not so sure. Man, it felt so itchy and I'm glad it stopped over night. I applied cream to areas that itch but I didn't apply to my eyelids and they became puffy in the morning, LOL.

Now I'm trying to refrain myself from scratching. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Please take care everyone, and drink more water.


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