16th TDS Finals.

Fear not, for the storm inside me has calmed down. I am now using the iPhone without having the urge to break it in half anymore. In fact, I can't look at my Android phone anymore because the screen is not as clear as the iPhone.

I'm not a phone geek, so I don't care.


Every year The Dance Society of Malaysia organizes a classical Ballet competition for students and even adults to participate. It's something to look forward this year to because my dance academy had sent 15 (I think) students to try to dance their way into the finals.

Unlike the previous years, this year's location was at the Temple of Fine Arts. I prefer the old stage though, it looks better. My academy provided transport, and since there was so many of our students participating, I had to go. Well, because I wanted to see them dance too.

I participated in the competition before, it was three years ago when I was 14 (not past my birthday). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to enter the finals and yeah. But that was the past but what matters now is to give support to the students of Dua Space.

Finals was the third day of the whole competition. The first day was the compulsory class which all contestants must attend, which requires a sharp mind, great technique and the knowledge of all Ballet steps. Second day was the semi-finals, where all the contestants perform their first piece of dance, where they chose from different variations of famous classical Ballet productions (Sleeping Beauty, La Bayadère, etc.). The last and final day is to perform their first piece once again and an additional second piece which they have the freedom to dance whatever they want.

Before the finals, I had seen all the DS's students' performances and I'm actually confident in them. Ms Yap, Ms Koh and my previous teacher Ms Gan were responsible in training all the contestants and did a good job. Especially Ms Yap, her students normally grabbed the prizes. She sent 11 students out of the 15.

In the end, 12 students (I think) made into the finals. That's reaaaaally good for Dua Space.

Finalists excluding Category 3.

So after everyone settled down in the auditorium (I'm not really satisfied with my seat) and after a speech was given by the president of TDS, the contestant began to perform their first piece.

As usual, the Category 3 (14 years old and below) performed first, followed by Category 2 (17 years old and below), Category 1 (18 years old and above) and lastly the Adult Open. The finals are better because in the semi-finals you have to watch perhaps 70 participants of Cat 3. I pity the judges.

I thought they have too many intermissions. Honestly, I was bored, tired, hungry and cold in the auditorium and they won't allow us to bring water in. Well, the dancers have to prepare and the judges have to write down the scores so I guess it's unavoidable. I shouldn't complain, hmm.

Ng Sing Yuin

After everyone performed their first piece, it's pretty obvious to see that who's got the technique and who has the expressions while dancing. Now all that was left was to see the creativity of the students/teachers in their second piece. It's definitely something to look forward to.

There were some who were really good and some that were mehhh. I mean, not like I'm better than them or anything, I couldn't even get into the finals. *draws cones* But I felt like the standard has dropped compared to previous years. There were some consistent finalists that couldn't been seen this year.

I had always enjoyed DS's students' second piece of dance, especially Sing Yuin's. Her piece is beautiful in both technique and emotionally. The way she reached towards the audience always sent shivers throughout my whole body. I appreciate the fact that I have seen her second piece more than once in the classroom.

I'm proud of Mandy too. She had always been shadowed by Sing Yuin but you could see she was fighting with her this year. The first time I saw both of them perform, I'd preferred Mandy. Her first piece was effortless and her second piece is enjoyable and unique.

The brothers and sisters who participated in the competition did well. And the smaller ones were fabulous and adorably cute. I wonder why Rachel got 5th. Some of the non-DS students were great too.

Finally, the results are out and we didn't even have to wait for a long time. I think it's because it's quite obvious who are the better ones. I mean, it's really obvious. Seriously.

I was feeling nervous for DS's students but I'm sure they're more nervous than me. I know the feeling of standing on the stage, hoping for the lady to announce your number followed by your name. But there wasn't really any suspense because the results were announced immediately.

Dua Space managed to grab the first prize for both Category 3 (Lim Sook Meng) and Category 2 (Ng Sing Yuin). And then there also students who got 6th place, 5th place, 3rd place, Encouragement Award and etc. Really, I'm proud of every student in Dua Space. Not trying to brag, but it was Dua Space's year, hahahaha.

Well, although most of us are happy that everyone achieved great results, there are people who are sad. It's not weird to see contestants crying while heading their way out of the auditorium. When I saw one of our students crying, I fought back my tears because I was like her once too. Disappointed.

But anyways, not everyone can be a winner so that's why competitions exist, to see who's the best of the best. If there are no losers, there are no winners. Same thing, vice versa. In fact the winners should be glad the presence of us losers because we are there to make them winners. Just like what the president said, if you lose this year, redouble your efforts and try again next year.

Congratulations to all winners and finalists. To those who are disappointed, it's not the end.


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