
I'd never blown candles on every birthday so 
that probably makes me six years old now.

So yeah, it was my birthday yesterday and I'm officially 18 now. I can now drink alcohol, smoke and watch violent movies legally. But I'm not going to do all that, well except violent movies, I'd seen enough violent graphics while my brother is playing games ..

Anyway, I'm not the kind that celebrates birthdays or throw parties or wanted to be showered by gifts. To me, if I do that it feels like we're all celebrating because I'm closer to death each year. I'm a very negative person, ain't I? Hmm.

Well, I'm just happy that my father have been sending me text messages counting down days before my birthday, and there are friends who wished me the moment the clock stroked 12. Yeah, I'm grateful for all that.

I didn't get lots of birthday wishes this year because I hid my birth date from my timeline in Facebook. Partly because I'm lazy to reply 'Thank you' to each and one of them and I wanted to see who remembers. People nowadays rely too much on technology to remember things. When I was in primary school we remember birthdays without notifications reminding us.

Same goes to telephone numbers.

I'm not really that sad that people or even my relatives forget my birthday, well because it was just another day for them. People can't possibly remember everything. I don't plan to remember the birthday of every people I know either. Just people who are important to me.

And I don't want to remind or tell people my birthday because if feels like 'Hey, it's my birthday so hurry up and wish me and feed me cake.'

Anyway, I'll like to thank everyone who wished me and a few who actually gave me gifts (There is always people who give me lightning guitars, not that I'm complaining.) I do not desire any gifts because I'm content with what I have now.

In fact, I feel guilty when you people give me gifts because I have to think of something to give you guys back. *sobcryhitsfloorwithfists*

Well, that's all the 18 year old me has to say for now. I'll like to thank everyone once again for wishing me on my birthday and my awesome dad for singing the birthday song for me on the phone. I got my awesome genes from him.

Hmm, I don't feel any special or any more mature being 18 years old now.


In our lives we're bound to meet people and interact with them. Not one person can escape from socializing because it's just natural and the way of life to do so. It doesn't matter if it's online or in real life, humans can't stand to be alone.

To me, I think a person's social life is like a textbook. It doesn't matter what subject it is, just any textbook will do. Let's take the subject I hate the most, Mathematics as an example.

When a person meets another, a new chapter begins. You'll get to know the person, and begin to understand them slowly as times goes by. It's just like opening a textbook and learning the first chapter. You'll learn how to do addition and as you do exercises you gradually get used to it and understand how it works.

But I don't believe in forever. Eventually, even the people most closest to you once are going to step out from your life. You'll lose friends, and that's when a chapter ends, when the relationship between people begin to fade away. The only thing is left is the memories. Like how you finish the chapter of addition, but you still know how to do addition exercises.

We're not super humans, we forget. Like how sometimes we forget to do simple Mathematics. But important events and skills are not easily forgotten, it just takes a while to remember them.

As you go through the textbook, you learn different chapters, picking up new skills and ending yet another chapter. In real life, we meet different people in different stages of life. After you leave primary school, you lose contact of some of your friends, but meet new ones in secondary school. Same goes when you enter college or begin to work.

However, sometimes people from the past do come back to find you. Even when you do more difficult Mathematics, you'll still need basics like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. So people have not left you completely. Sometimes, people do stay in your life longer than others.

 But no matter how much people enter and leave your life, your family stays with you from the beginning till the end. And that is the textbook itself, Mathematics. Yes, Mathematics is your family. No, but I hope you get my idea.

I had just reconnected with a friend of mine whom I had not spoken to for two years. It's great to talk to him again. Yeah, if we had not spoken to each other, he'll just be another chapter that I had closed.



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