Shattered Hearts.

People often say 'He got his heart broken' or 'My heart shattered', but the human heart can't be broken down like glass. They stop functioning and decompose.

Well, that isn't the point. It's called as heart break it does feel like your heart breaking. Into a million pieces. And yeah, it does hurt. A lot, in fact.

Now before you assume anything, I'm not heart broken. I'm perfectly fine. It's just that people around me have been feeling not-so-well and you know, their heart got broken and yeaaaah.

I do not think heart breaks can be limited to only problems like love. It can be a issue about friendship, or a receiving a devastating news like death of a relative, or maybe someone stabbed you in the heart. No, cross out the last possibility. But most of the time, your heart breaks because of love.

Damn you, love. We hate you.

A guy loves a girl but she's a pain in the ass. She's sensitive and super hard to deal with, but love brainwashed him to make him continue love her. They broke up twice and got back together twice. Now, if I'm not mistaken, they are loving each other happily, only to wait when one of them snaps and another will fall into despair.

This is random, just thought he's cute. Kya.

The guy told me how it was so sad, so tiring that he had to love a girl that doesn't love him as much as he does. In fact, he even said that he doesn't know if she truly loves him. I'm not an expert in love but I knew that this girl is probably wasting both of their time. I told him to give her up and take a break from all the drama.

Clearly, someone didn't listen to me but it's okay, he'll just have to go through the same thing again and again. Well, I shouldn't be the bad guy so I hope that maybe they will work out. Hopefully. Probably. Maybe. Mehh.

Another girl holds on to what was only a little left, and the boy probably doesn't feel the same way as she does. The things she had done, was it worth the sacrifice when the boy doesn't even care? Should she hold on, or just move on? It saddens me that she shed tears for this, and I can't possibly force the guy to do something.

I didn't know how to help both of them so right now I'll just hope that the girl moves on. What's the point buying coffee for two if only one person is drinking? It's useless if the other person doesn't give in effort. But to throw away the memories and the effort they wasted on each other, it's kinda difficult but not possible.

Love makes people stupid. It'll make you do stupid things. And when you're in love mode you'll probably just do anything to make the other party happy. You'll swim across the English Channel, dive under the sea, fight off five hungry sharks, get a big pearl, just to impress the person you like/love.

If both parties are willing to sacrifice for each other, I guess it's okay but if not, you're doing it for nothing. Feelings can't be forced, so if you don't like a person just say 'No, I hate you, go away, stop creeping me out.' or something more polite. Don't torture that poor fellow's heart.

Or bones. Break bones. 206 of them.

Love also creates freaks. It's not a surprise why yanderes or overly-attached-girlfriends exists because of love. I've seen girls over reacting because their boyfriends didn't reply their message in five minutes or getting sad because he's standing next to a girl. And then they'll flood the timeline with sweet photos. Photo spammers are often hidden away from my Facebook long time ago, I wish I could do the same with Twitter.

I don't like how love makes people so clingy. They make people look like they can't survive if the other went to the toilet for taking a dump. Then few days later you'll see both of them stuck together literally using super glue. They'll share their organs and digest using the same intestine. Okay, no but yeah.

I mean, I'll love to spend time with my boyfriend (if I have one) but I'll love to have my own space too. I can't possibly text/talk/call every single second. I'm a BU/Guitar player, I can't have my fingers off the keyboard. Gamerftwhellyeaaaah.

A girl broke up with his boyfriend after she found out he wasn't so loyal to her. And yeah, I guess she loves him a lot but I just hope she will finally forget and move on because she went on and on and on about her problems. A hero saved the damsel in distress and probably confused her or something by giving her wrong signals.

Once again, love makes people stupid and the girl was heart broken when the guy said he was not able to accept her probably because he thought her as a friend or he was gay I don't know I'm making this up. Poor princess is the desperate type and now she looked like she can't survive as a single. Sorry, I'm single (FTW) and I can't understand your desperation.

I look like a love hater, don't I? Kyaaaa. For me, it's better to have your force field up than letting people smashing your heart every time you let them in. Just wait for the right person and you both will be given the chance to shatter each other's heart, but of course you won't. Because you love each other.

Anyway, if you get a heartbreak for whatever reason, I think it's best to just move on after a while. Sure, you can cry and stuff but you can't cry forever. It may disturb you at first but you'll get used to it and you'll finally let go. Lucky for you, the human heart isn't made out of glass and doesn't shatter into million of pieces so you should be fine.

Well, of course everyone is not a big fan of heartbreaks but I think it's a great lesson, so suffer at least once in your lifetime. It makes people realize certain things. Like if your pet dog just died, it makes you cherish the next dog you might get later. Or if a girl friendzoned you, it makes you realize that girl isn't worth your time and your real dream girl is probably waiting for you.

The world is cruel, you must know that.

Me? I move on pretty quickly. Or, I turn the sadness into hate. Instead of having my heart broken into pieces, I let it burn in rage. Not a better way but it feels better. Then, I'll just -poof- forget things. Yeah.

If you're so sure you'll never heal from a heartbreak, use duct tape. They'll fix anything. Okaynotfunnyalrightkthxbai.


I just registered at a university. My life indoors will finally come to and end and I'll have to step outside and actually talk to people. I forgot how to study, how do you study again?

I had the longest holiday in my life after I graduated from high school. Seven months of just taking a break from everything. Some people might think I'm wasting my youth but I've never regretted it at all. People are going like 'Owhmaigawd, Chemistry sucks!' and I'm like muahahahaha take that I'm facing none of that shit and I can wake up at 10AM every single day.

Though I sound like I dread to go outside, I'm actually looking forward yet quite afraid of the university life. It's totally different from primary and secondary school and based on my brothers' experiences just makes me wonder how I'll take in all those things when it's my turn.

And the best thing is I'm going to study things I'm interested in, not some stupid Math or Chemistry. I still fear socializing the most. I've forgotten how to make friends.


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