
Showing posts from July, 2009

Audition Again x)

I would like everyone to know that there's a new thread called Steps of Audition at the section of ■ Clicks ■. It has all the post related to Audition. --- I haven't post about Audition for a long time, so here goes! Audition had an update lately and I bought a new set of clothes :) It's so expensive = = The new set looks, hippy hoppy. LOL. Mesha and Kitty also bought almost the same set. :D (Click to enlarrgee) Hana becomes more prettier and prettier everyday :) J iayous on level 10 license Hana! <3 Di decided to not chance 6 but ended up Perfectx8. = = All blackies! Except for that white one ._. Using xHirohata account. Chain like crazy on the last minute and got first xD Pro people blue beat up. That -Beat- guy is a PRO. He got 0 miss 0 bad at Hands Up!!! I DON'T WHAT HAPPENED BUT THIS IS SO FUNNY! XD Yay, improvements at Hands Up!!! :D Even you're not a beat up player like me, I want to show you this. The song is Euro 2005 and they customed made


Looking at it will just make it cry, get it away from me. --- It was already 12 a.m. in the morning but I am still hiding inside my room. I refuse to sleep even though I should have slept one hour ago. I looked my room and suddenly I thought of something that I haven't thought of for a damn long time. My diaries. They're placed in my drawer and locked, only I know where are the keys :P I took them out and tried to find the key. I haven't touched them for FOUR years and certainly I can't remember where I hide the keys. Finally, I found them and open the small books. I wrote my diary since I was eight I think. And I kept on writing and kept on writing until I was ten. Then I switched to writing diaries in the computer. But then my cousin accidentally reformatted the computer and nearly 800 of my diaries are gone. My cute diaries :3 Inside these diaries are innocent thoughts and how I go through my life :) I realized how bad my English was and how bad my drawings was.

A Little Guilt

Ahh, I have nothing interesting to write. --- Yeah, I felt guilty. By just drawing a " X " cross will change a part of my life. Anyways, it's time we fill the form for our PMR. And it must be filled in by the students themselves. Everything was going fine and then it struck me. We were supposed to choose the subjects we want to take for the PMR next year. It's compulsory for us to take Bahasa Melayu, English, Science, Math, History, Geography. There's other subject like Kemahiran Hidup and Chinese which is optional. Then, I went to ask Kitty and Hana. They said they don't feel like taking Chinese but their parents want them too. I went to ask other girls and all of them took Chinese too. I DIDN'T want to take Chinese. I don't really like the subject and I don't score well in that subject. I have always said to my mother that I didn't want to take Chinese too. My Chinese teacher told us that if we Chinese don't take Chinese in our examinatio

Asian Guys! <3

I just felt like posting pictures of guys *__* I don't only love anime and manga guys okay? XD They're all Asians. :D --- Wheesung (Yessh, this is him <3) Nishikido Ryo from NewS. Kyahh ~ Yamapi, who is also from NewS. But me prefer Ryo much more :D Fabien from Lollipop. My cousins love this guy so much. T.O.P from Big Bang! Ikuta Toma. Oguri Shun. :D --- I MIGHT continue this list. Wahaha ~ I wanna see more handsome guys *___*

Anak Malaysia

Proudly presented by Dua Space. Anak Malaysia 'Anak Malaysia' tells the history of the ancestors of Malaysian Chinese, moving south from China, arriving in then Malaya, and how they survived and prospered, finally making Malaya, and Malaysia, their motherland. --- Saw the whole performance and I was amazed. I think it's the best than the other performances Dua Space presented. The whole thing was wonderful. Simply beautiful. Here's the synopsis for the story. During the 19th century, many Chinese people had to leave their homelands due to the poor condition of China. Among these people, the eldest son of family Yap, Choong Boon brought along his younger brothers. Xiao Boon and Ren Boon, and his younger sister, Ai Boon, together with their little chamberlain, Fu Hoong, the adopted child of family Yap, to seek for their livings in Nan Yang. The family Kong asked Choong Boon to take care of their children, Shu Yi and Tian Yi. On the same voyage, there are Chen Juinn Yee,

Stubborn Decisions

When I am drawing my manga. --- If you didn't read the newspaper, Malaysia is going to revert the teaching of Science and Mathematics to Bahasa Malaysia. In my opinion, this is the most stupid decision the government have ever made. By 2012, Year 1 and Year 4 in primary schools, Form 1 and Form 4 in secondary schools will be learning Science and Math in Bahasa Melayu. Luckily by that time I was Form 5 already, BUT I wish that this would never happen. They said they did this for the people weaker in English. But I think it's their problem learning English. Imagine a student learning Science and Math in Bahasa Melayu for his or her entire school life. When he or she goes to overseas to study, he or she will face LOTS of problem, just because he or she doesn't understand these subjects in English. So, they should teach students Science and Math in English for their future. For students weaker in English, they should grab the chance to learn English, not avoiding it by learni

Artwork :O

I have drawn some drawings and I wanted to post here. So, comments and criticisms are appreciated. PLEASE post comments at the comment box, NOT at the chatbox D: --- Did this today. The more I look, the more I think it's ugly x.x Did this quite a long time ago. Harharhar, I wanted to draw a guy but ended up drawing a girl with him too :x So damn ugleh D: --- Lalala, I don't want to go back to school ~

30th of June - Science Trip

Our stupid school decided to squeeze us in the small damn hall from the comfortable canteen. And they say in the hall it's more comfortable. Hey, our school doesn't even have a proper hall! --- This trip was organized by my school and at least 200 students went on this trip. Hana was almost late but we managed to sit with everyone in the same bus. We're going to Petrosains, Dino Trek, Aquarium and Petronas Twin Tower. Unfortunately we didn't have the time for the Twin Tower but a few students were lucky to go there. Unfair! D: We received an apple, a hot dog and a pack of rice for breakfast. But everyone thrown it away. v DA FIRST PHOTO v Kitty and Hwey Xien so paiseh. Hwey Xien's. So cute leh. Hana so yeng arh. Look at that pink ribbon! :3 We reached KLCC and everyone got down from the bus. Since we're the first bus to arrive, we have to wait for the other five buses to arrive. Everyone wore their flu masks as everyone was afraid of the disease H1N1. We wait