Audition Again x)

I would like everyone to know that there's a new thread called Steps of Audition at the section of ■ Clicks ■. It has all the post related to Audition.


I haven't post about Audition for a long time, so here goes!

Audition had an update lately and I bought a new set of clothes :)
It's so expensive = =

The new set looks, hippy hoppy. LOL.

Mesha and Kitty also bought almost the same set. :D (Click to enlarrgee)

Hana becomes more prettier and prettier everyday :) Jiayous on level 10 license Hana! <3

Di decided to not chance 6 but ended up Perfectx8. = =

All blackies! Except for that white one ._.

Using xHirohata account. Chain like crazy on the last minute and got first xD

Pro people blue beat up. That -Beat- guy is a PRO. He got 0 miss 0 bad at Hands Up!!!


Yay, improvements at Hands Up!!! :D

Even you're not a beat up player like me, I want to show you this.

The song is Euro 2005 and they customed made it into Level 6 (I think) in beat up.

You can also check the other Level 5 or 6 songs in Youtube. They're all scary.


You have to admit it! You can't RESSIISTT!!


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