30th of June - Science Trip

Our stupid school decided to squeeze us in the small damn hall from the comfortable canteen. And they say in the hall it's more comfortable. Hey, our school doesn't even have a proper hall!


This trip was organized by my school and at least 200 students went on this trip. Hana was almost late but we managed to sit with everyone in the same bus.

We're going to Petrosains, Dino Trek, Aquarium and Petronas Twin Tower. Unfortunately we didn't have the time for the Twin Tower but a few students were lucky to go there. Unfair! D:

We received an apple, a hot dog and a pack of rice for breakfast. But everyone thrown it away.


Kitty and Hwey Xien so paiseh.

Hwey Xien's. So cute leh.

Hana so yeng arh. Look at that pink ribbon! :3

We reached KLCC and everyone got down from the bus. Since we're the first bus to arrive, we have to wait for the other five buses to arrive. Everyone wore their flu masks as everyone was afraid of the disease H1N1.

We waited at the entrance of Petrosains. Every where you see over there is 200 students in uniform with their flu masks on! :D

HCH on the left :3

Hwey Xien mei mei so cool arh.

CYC, my class monitor also so cool arh.

HCH and CYE.

Arie was also going for this trip. And. It's annoying to have her in the same bus. Not going to say anything further.

Arie's PSP. Her pink madness reminds me of Ino. :x

Because there's 200 students so they decided to seperate us into groups. One going to Petrosains, another to Dino Trek. Me and my friends are going to Dino Trek first.

Rawr. Fear the fake mechanical dinosaur.

In Dino Trek, you can learn the histories of dinosaurs and see how the dinosaurs looked like. BUT, the exhibition is too small. You are amazed by the dinosaurs and then you came into a dead end it's like, what? There's no more?

Dinosaurs over there can move, no? I recorded their movements but I am lazy to upload here. Blehh, just imagine them shaking their tails and roaring. Like this dog.

Here's a photo where a T-Rex and another dinosaur. Uh. Roaring and shaking their tails.

Hana does not fear the dinosaurs! :O

Kitty and Hwey Xien playing with the computer, or something.

Eggs of the fake dinosaurs. (The babies move too!)

Wasted time at Dino Trek, so we head to Petrosains. We're seperated from Kitty and Hwey Xien so we head inside first. We went by riding a ride called "Silas Masa", is it? It's like a black egg. Black EGGG.

No pictures were taken in Petrosains because I didn't turn on my phone. I left the camera job for Hana but blehh, lazy to upload it here too.

I am not satisfied with Petrosains. The school didn't gave us enough time to explore every corner at every exhibition. Everything is rushed. Argh, I even missed the helicopter ride.

Then, we have our lunch at a food court near Aquarium. Thanks to my sharp eyes(LOL), Kitty, Hana and I got a table and sat. Three of us ate spaghetti. Yummie.

Kitty's spaghetti.

After finishing our meal we went to Aquarium. Waited a damn long time just to get in. So we cut queue and success! :D

CYE~ She is so cute :3

The first animal we saw is the Piranha! I have always wanted to see this ferocious animal :3 SHOW ME YOUR TEETH RAWRRR.

Blur picture ):

Things we saw in Aquarium are fishes, reptiles, insects, sea creatures. Not really exciting because I almost seen all of this animals. Photos.

Shh. It's sleeping :)

Can you spot the snake?

Gecko goes upside down!

The biggest frog I have ever seen in my life. And Kitty's phone! :D

Another frog, and Yuri's finger. HAHAHA.


The eight-legged freaks :x

Webs of the spider. Amaziiinnggg.

Believe me, this fish is HUGE.

Sea turtles. Aren't they beautiful? :)

What is this!? Shark eggs.

Shark. Rawr.

Underneath somekind of fish. My tuition teacher says it looks like me. :D

It's so cute! x3

Shuai shuai de diver. So yeng arrhh. (Mars language)

Oh noes!

The creature that killed Steve Irwin :x

Close up.

Family of Nemos! :D

By the time I visited all the places, my feet and back were killing me. I. MUST. SIT. DOWNNN.

Adorable friends :)

A mask that costs RM.800.

That's all for this trip. Overall of this trip is tiring and nothing new. Felt kinda bored =/ And I want my money back! I haven't been to Twin Towers yet!


Photos of Audition :)

First time me and didi together play couple ~

Played Club with PE ~ For more photos you can check her blog out :)


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