Anak Malaysia

Proudly presented by Dua Space.

Anak Malaysia

'Anak Malaysia' tells the history of the ancestors of Malaysian Chinese, moving south from China, arriving in then Malaya, and how they survived and prospered, finally making Malaya, and Malaysia, their motherland.


Saw the whole performance and I was amazed. I think it's the best than the other performances Dua Space presented. The whole thing was wonderful. Simply beautiful.

Here's the synopsis for the story.

During the 19th century, many Chinese people had to leave their homelands due to the poor condition of China. Among these people, the eldest son of family Yap, Choong Boon brought along his younger brothers. Xiao Boon and Ren Boon, and his younger sister, Ai Boon, together with their little chamberlain, Fu Hoong, the adopted child of family Yap, to seek for their livings in Nan Yang. The family Kong asked Choong Boon to take care of their children, Shu Yi and Tian Yi. On the same voyage, there are Chen Juinn Yee, Loke Nian San and the depressed Liew Vui Ngee. Before the departing, parents of family Yap gave their children a handmade brocade bag embroidered with their surname "Yap", hoping that their children would be safe together forever.

The whole performance consist 81 dancers and singers. Everyone was doing a good job. I like the singers :D

It all started with an emotional scene where the Yap siblings were seperated from their parents. There's a part where I can hold back my tears. I wonder did my grandfather experienced all this.

The dancers were doing a good job too. All the dancers performed perfectly together and full with emotions and expressions. It's like their really going through the up and downs in this story.

After the survivors reached Malaya, the met the villagers and decided to make Malaya their new home. Then, Choong Boon got married with Shu Yi and had a baby. After she gave birth, her tummy was back to it's original size LOL.

Everything was going well but the Japanese attacked. But it only lasted a while and in the end, Malaya was independent. Yay, happy ending. I clapped my hands until my hands were in pain. I never clapped like that before. :D

It was splendid. Maybe Dua Space can present a better performance next time :)

Ah, by next year, I will be in Dua Space for 10 years. It's my another home <3


From left : Hana, me, Kitty, Hwey Xien, Chuo Han, Yi Enn, Kah Yan.

We were in Hana's new house doing our Sivik project.


Hanamiru said…
wow u joining Dua Space? Nice maybe next time u perform i'll go and see :D
June - ♥ said…
Lol, me already join Dua Space. I actually can perform in this Anak Malaysia but me don't want :D
Hanamiru said…
yerr why dun wan, sure nice de what, then u become FAMOUS :D
June - ♥ said…
LOL. I heard my friends say very tired de arh. Plus if I join, 3 days me won't go for school :D

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