Stubborn Decisions

When I am drawing my manga.


If you didn't read the newspaper, Malaysia is going to revert the teaching of Science and Mathematics to Bahasa Malaysia.

In my opinion, this is the most stupid decision the government have ever made.

By 2012, Year 1 and Year 4 in primary schools, Form 1 and Form 4 in secondary schools will be learning Science and Math in Bahasa Melayu. Luckily by that time I was Form 5 already, BUT I wish that this would never happen.

They said they did this for the people weaker in English. But I think it's their problem learning English.

Imagine a student learning Science and Math in Bahasa Melayu for his or her entire school life. When he or she goes to overseas to study, he or she will face LOTS of problem, just because he or she doesn't understand these subjects in English.

So, they should teach students Science and Math in English for their future. For students weaker in English, they should grab the chance to learn English, not avoiding it by learning in Bahasa Melayu.

Don't think this stupid idea will work anyway. But if it really works, then Malaysia will be filled with stupid and dumb people only. Malaysia Tak Boleh!


Around this week, my teacher changed our sitting position in my class.

Kitty, Hana and me was sent back to the last row. Pity Kitty, she would have problems seeing.

Teacher arranged our seatings according to our ranking in our class. I was seated with Felicia, number two in the class. Urggh, the pressure.

After many arrangements, Hana and Kitty got seated together. Aww, I really hoped that I can sit closer to them. But sitting with Felicia is a good thing. She's really willing to teach me and she's really kind x.x Thanks Felicia :)

Sitting at the back and near the corner is hot! But it's alright since I'm sitting next to the window. I can't really hear what's teacher saying and I can't concentrate! Owh noes D:

Really wished that teacher didn't change our positions ): I want to sit with Kitty and Hana again! D:


Going to watch Anak Malaysia tomorrow.

Anak Malaysia is a performance that includes Dua Space Dance Theatre Academy students. I didn't join because I don't have the time, and I will be facing my Intermediate examination soon. =S

Will be back really, really late tomorrow. Sorry DW di, cannot play Audition with you :( Try to entertain yourself when jie not around :x

Speaking of Audition! Met a crazy Beat Up player today.

Beat Up. The song is Hands Up!!! 3 misses and outstanding perfects. PRO.


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