
Looking at it will just make it cry, get it away from me.


It was already 12 a.m. in the morning but I am still hiding inside my room. I refuse to sleep even though I should have slept one hour ago. I looked my room and suddenly I thought of something that I haven't thought of for a damn long time.

My diaries.

They're placed in my drawer and locked, only I know where are the keys :P

I took them out and tried to find the key. I haven't touched them for FOUR years and certainly I can't remember where I hide the keys. Finally, I found them and open the small books.

I wrote my diary since I was eight I think. And I kept on writing and kept on writing until I was ten. Then I switched to writing diaries in the computer. But then my cousin accidentally reformatted the computer and nearly 800 of my diaries are gone.

My cute diaries :3

Inside these diaries are innocent thoughts and how I go through my life :)

I realized how bad my English was and how bad my drawings was. Yes, I draw in my diary. The diaries I wrote are simple and I mean really simple. So when I go through my diaries that night, I was going to fall asleep. Plus the untidy handwriting.

Wondering what's inside my diary? I selected a few not important pages to let you seeeee :D

My handwriting are so horrible x.x

Yes, I loved watching my brother playing FF8. XD

While I was searching for the keys to unlock my diaries, I saw some items that also brought back memories :D

My mother bought this for me when I was really small, and because of this, I have this name June. So it means I didn't have this name because of my birthday month! xD

These strings are also 3 or 4 years old. I made them and I did mention in my diaries :)

No, don't get it wrong. I drawed this this year xD

After reading my diaries and taking picture of them, I locked them all up and place back in my drawers. One day I will open them once again and laugh at how innocent and stupid I was :)

I am going to keep them until I die! :D


Took this picture at before seven in the morning I think. It's bluueeuuatifuuul.


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