A Little Guilt

Ahh, I have nothing interesting to write.


Yeah, I felt guilty. By just drawing a " X " cross will change a part of my life.

Anyways, it's time we fill the form for our PMR. And it must be filled in by the students themselves. Everything was going fine and then it struck me. We were supposed to choose the subjects we want to take for the PMR next year.

It's compulsory for us to take Bahasa Melayu, English, Science, Math, History, Geography. There's other subject like Kemahiran Hidup and Chinese which is optional.

Then, I went to ask Kitty and Hana. They said they don't feel like taking Chinese but their parents want them too. I went to ask other girls and all of them took Chinese too.

I DIDN'T want to take Chinese. I don't really like the subject and I don't score well in that subject. I have always said to my mother that I didn't want to take Chinese too.

My Chinese teacher told us that if we Chinese don't take Chinese in our examination, it will be a shame and disappointment for all of us. As a Chinese, if you don't learn Chinese, it's like you not even a Chinese then.

5 more minutes before class dismisses, I have to hurry and decide. I decided to follow my heart, and pass up the paper to my teacher. All together, I have seven subjects for the examination next year.

BUT when I was just few feets away from my teacher's desk, I felt guilty. I felt that I will regret in the future if I didn't take Chinese. I felt like everything will go the wrong way if I didn't take it. Seriously, I never felt this way before. Words can describe this feeling.

I paused there for a moment and did some serious thinking over there.

I told Hana.

"I am going to take Chinese."

I quickly went to make some changes and passed it to my teacher. Then, I felt relieved a lot. I felt I did the right thing. I wasn't sure I was happy or whatever. I just hope I can score well in my examination now that I have taken Chinese.

Was it the right thing to do?


It's been a long time I haven't take pictures of myself. Wheeeee.

I love this :D Thanks to Hwex Xien meimei~

I love my jacket <3

I am innocent! *__*

Same pose as above's picture -_-


My teacher separated us into groups and each of the groups have to do a drama on one chapter in the novel ' The Phantom of the Opera '.

Ken's group performed the chapter which La Carlotta loses her voice and she croacked while performing. Instead of croacking, Ken turned into a donkey and bought the chandelier down.

It was so damn funny.

I am going to act as Monsieur Armand, one of the new directors in the Opera House in Chapter 3. Kitty as Monsieur Firmin and Hana as Madame Giry. :3


Hanamiru said…
LOL long time din see ur photo :D
U just look the best! :3

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